Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I'm Not Really Here...

Thanks to the wonderful pre-posting function on Blogger, I can type this up on Monday morning to post for you to read later on, because I won’t be here. Regina and I are off to the RWA National Conference in New York City for our annual girls’ sleepover, and by the time you read this on Tuesday, we’ll be happily attending the Beau Monde Chapter (Regency) annual one-day mini-conference. Then Regina’s coming home to Cape Cod with me for a few days, so this will be a quiet week at NineteenTeen.

But we promise a full report and lots of pictures, so toodles till next week!


  1. Have fun! When you get to the Cape, stay safe- away from tornadoes and great white sharks!

  2. Oh, gosh--my daughters were there during the storms. We didn't sustain any damage, but the trees and damage around town were scary!
