Tuesday, July 30, 2019

We’re Baaaaaack!

Regina and I are each home from the Romance Writers of America National Conference in New York City, a.k.a. our annual girls’ sleepover...and it was just wonderful.

While Times Square is not my favorite part of NYC, we were fortunate to have a room facing away from the Square and its light show, so that we had a quiet, restful place to return to after each busy day. The room itself was quite roomy and comfortable, and not on too high a floor so that when the elevators got too crowded, we could sneak up and down the stairs (which were, admittedly, more than a little creepy.) Speaking of elevators, isn’t this a fun view?

We both arrived Monday evening, because the week kicked off with the annual Beau Monde Chapter (Regency romance) mini-conference. We heard excellent workshops, including ones on the British presence in Africa during the early nineteenth century and researching outside the box (a topic near and dear to our hearts)...and in the evening was the Soiree, a gathering for socializing and dancing (complete with a Regency era dance expert to instruct and lead the dancers.) Sir Reginald was unable to attend the Soiree this year, but the charming Lady Regina was spotted treading a measure or two.
Also at the Soiree, the Beau Monde chapter’s annual writing contest, the Royal Ascot, is awarded. I’m thrilled to report that my The Ladies of Almack’s won the Wild Regency Category of the Royal Ascot Readers’ Choice Award...which allowed me to wear pretty ribbon sashes for the day!

But the best part is, as always being able to spend time with Regina. I was extra lucky this year, as the conference’s being in New York meant that she could take a couple of extra days to visit me in Massachusetts before flying home—which was lovely. When you only get to see one of your dearest friends once a year, a few extra days are extra precious.

Altogether, we had a delightful, educational time at this year’s RWA!

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