Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Spend a Moment in the Salon?

Once upon a time, those who loved stories set in the nineteenth century had to enjoy their books in relative solitude. Oh, they might extoll the virtues to friends and family, some of whom had their eyes glaze over, alas. And they might find a book club willing to read with them on occasion. But then came Facebook Groups, where they could talk, and talk, and talk with like-minded lovers of Regency romances. 😊 Allow me to introduce you to three of my favorite groups.

I am one of the founding authors for Regency Kisses: Lady Catherine’s Salon. The group is for those who love low-heat Regency romances. We occasionally throw in a Victorian. Each week, a different author hosts, offering insights into the time period and their writing life. They also offer fun activities. We’ve had lessons in trimming your own bonnet, setting up a dinner party, and taking a trip by carriage. I hosted a week on the history of the genre. We’ve even had games like a Where’s Waldo in the Regency and online puzzles of period paintings. Readers post reviews on the weekends along with other information about the books they love.

We also hold parties from time to time around a theme like a ball or a dinner. We’re celebrating Valentine’s Day all this week with first kiss scenes. You can join in the fun here

The second group I’d like to draw your attention to is Inspirational Regency Readers. Run by authors Erica Vetsch and Julie Klassen (link), this group has fun activities, wonderful pictures, and tantalizing tidbits about the period we all love and the books set in them. Readers are very active in this group. You can join them here

Finally, there’s Alissa’s Regency Companions, run by author Alissa Baxter. She finds the most amazing photographs of country houses (exteriors and interiors), ladies in Regency garb, and Regency items I’ve ever seen. She also posts about Regency books on sale or free. Again, lots of interactions among the other members. You can join here.

Hope to see you at a salon soon!

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