Tuesday, February 22, 2022

With Apologies to Mr. Ackermann…a Little

I’ve been collecting early 19th century fashion prints for a long time now. They are the perfect thing to collect: they don’t take up a whole lot of room; they don’t break the bank to acquire; they’re a tangible piece of history; and they’re soooooo pretty! I’ve enjoyed sharing them with you and using them as a way to explore the fashions of the era.

And now, I’ve found another use for them: silly memes!


Inspired in part by graphic artist Anne Taintor’s work and in part by my upcoming Regency series, The Ladies of Almack’s, coming out next month, these have been huge fun to create. Like, waaaayyy too much fun.

The combination and/or juxtaposition of old images and modern sensibilities has proven irresistible and…er…I’ve made rather a lot of them.

If you like them, keep a look out for them on my social media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest (and follow me, if you don’t want to miss any.)

I might even compile them into a downloadable screen-saver for my newsletter subscribers at some point...what do you think? Should I?

Anyway, I’ll be having a lot of fun with these…and I hope you will too. To paraphrase Jane Austen, “For what do Ackermann prints exist, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?” 😁


  1. Thank you! I'll be posting more over the next months on FB, Twitter, and Instagram (and here!)
