Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A Count Worth Courting

February 21 saw the launch of Never Court a Count, the second book in my Fortune’s Brides: The Wedding Vow series. I’ve had several readers and reviewers ask about how I developed Callie’s character: shy, quiet, unsure in Society. She’s an introvert, like me. But she has secret weapon I wish I’d thought of as a benefit growing up.

Lady Calantha, middle daughter of the Duke of Wey, has the unique ability to turn invisible in company. Well, not entirely invisible, or the eligible Frederick, Count Montalban, wouldn’t have noticed her at all. But Callie’s shy nature and plain features tend to make people overlook her. And they say the most outrageous things around her as a result, which is why she accidentally overhears strangers plotting to harm the count and his royal brother and father. What can a lady do but warn him?

Fritz, Count Montalban, is determined to keep his family safe. But he can’t drag Callie all over London to identify those plotting against them unless she has a reason to be alone with him. Pretending an engagement sounds like the perfect plan. After all, his dashing demeanor hides a wounded soul that demands he hold a true fiancée at a distance. But there’s something about Callie that pulls him closer.

As the danger grows along with their attraction, Fritz and Callie must work together to protect both their families, and Fritz finds his heart cracking open. Can he prove to the sweet Callie that she will never be invisible, to him?

Available in ebook and paperback at fine online retailers and bookstores near you, such as


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  1. I love Callie and her story is excellent! Another winner and perfect for a winter's day to read with a cup of tea or chocolate! It's also a good antidote to the news these days.

  2. Thank you so much, QNPoohBear! A cup of tea sounds good!

  3. How about Martha Washington's cocoa shell tea? It's authentic to the period and tasty too. I have bohea too but I don't like it. It's smoky and my dad said it smells like tobacco. I think Callie would approve of curling up with a cup of cocoa shell tea and a good novel. I lack the requisite furry friends though. Occasionally I can borrow my furniece but she's too big to cuddle even if she THINKS she's a cuddly lapdog. (Blue Heeler mix/Labraheeler mix?)

  4. LOL on the large cuddly dog! My son has a 100-pound pitbull, sweetest, most obedient dog I've ever met, but he will try to climb up on your lap if you let him!

    I hadn't heard about cocoa shell tea. I'll have to look for that!
