And that’s where you’d find any aspiring young gentleman. They came to learn from him, and they came to try their hand at besting each other. Even Lord Byron was an avid student. Gentleman Jackson taught them to use nimble footwork and judge the distance between fist and target to achieve the most impact. They fought with slightly bent bodies, head and shoulders forward, and knees slightly bent and at ease with fists well up. He believed that that fighting with the entire body (what we might call street fighting) was ineffective against the power of a well-trained fist, proving his point by having his students attempt to attack him and fending them off with fists alone.
So our young lads of sixteen and up might be found hanging about the Gentleman’s boxing emporium, coats off, hands wrapped in mufflers (absorbent material wrapped around the hands—the forerunner of today’s boxing gloves, having a go at each other. You can see them in the above picture. The fellow with his back closest to us is the Gentleman himself. An enterprising young fellow is also weighing himself on the scales for pugilists. However, while they lark about at the emporium and even spare with the Gentleman, few would fight professionally.
Which is probably just as well. Professional boxing matches in the nineteenth century were far less civilized from what we have today. Even though true boxing gloves were invented in the late 1700s, they weren’t used. Up until the Marquess of Queensberry drew up the boxing rules in 1867, the fights could be brutal and long, sometimes going over 100 rounds! And you were allowed to hit your opponent anywhere on the body, gouge at his eyes, and pull his hair if you liked.
Now, that’s not very gentlemanly!
Thanks for the post on boxing! It's an interesting new topic ;)
I couldn't imagine going for 100 rounds.
You're welcome, Rachel! I can't imagine going 10 rounds, much less 100, especially when my opponent could hold me by the hair to keep me down. Yikes!
Wow! I had no idea boxing was so popular among gentleman at this time period! Even Lord Byron!!
One of the coolest bits of the popularity of boxing is the slang it engendered--Georgette Heyer enjoyed using boxing terms in her books. My favorite is "draw (one's) cork" or "draw (one's) claret"--meaning to give your opponent a bloody nose!
Fabulous article! I'm a martial artist, so the history of fighting is rather interesting to me. I can't imagine going 100 rounds. The standard 3 or so is plenty, thanks.
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