When the United States entered the war in April 1917, the government put out the call. Uncle Sam wanted young men to enlist...and he wanted everyone else to knit. The armed forces needed sweaters, vests, mittens, wristlets, caps, helmets, scarves, and above all, socks.
Much of the war was fought from trenches, where conditions were muddy and wet and in winter, muddy and icy. Army boots were made of thick cowhide which was supposed to be water repellent; unfortunately, their uppers had a tendency to come unstitched from the soles. Furthermore, their iron heels and rows of hobnails to provide traction in all that mud conducted cold directly to the feet. To protect their feet, soldiers wore boots two sizes too large and two pairs of thick woolen socks, and changed their socks as frequently as possible in order to avoid "trench foot", a highly unpleasant fungal infection. Take into consideration that the goal was to send at least million Americans across to fight, and you get an idea of the numbers of socks needed.
In the summer of 1917, the government asked America’s knitters for one and a half million pairs of socks for "our boys", as well as an equal number of sweaters, mufflers, and wristlets (rather like mittens that left the fingers free; it's hard to pull a trigger with covered fingers.)
America’s knitters heeded the call. The American Red Cross undertook organizing the distribution of yarn and patterns to volunteers and the collection and shipping to Europe of finished items. Women's magazines also published Red Cross-approved patterns, like this helmet from the August 1917 edition of Women's World.
Women (and men) who didn’t know how to knit were taught. It became socially acceptable to knit everywhere: at work, at school, on the bus, at social events, in theatres, and even in church.
As college campuses emptied of young men, the young women left behind knit for them; professors were exhorted to allow knitting during lectures. The Junior Red Cross set up knitting programs across America to teach schoolchildren to knit, and those who didn't learn were encouraged to "Do mother's work so she can knit" and "Be careful of my clothes so that mother will not have to patch, but can knit." Those who, for whatever reason, didn’t take up knitting, were encouraged to buy yarn for those who could but could not afford materials.
That yarn was, of course, gray or khaki colored; it became socially unacceptable to be seen knitting anything in any other color. As an article in the University of Washington Daily stated, “When news comes that American soldiers have died merely from exposure in walking the icy decks on their watches, every stitch on a pink sweater will seem selfish.”
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
And the Winner Is ... Me and You!
It’s that time of year again. Hollywood has its Oscars and Golden
Globes. Genre fiction authors have
similar events. For Marissa and me, one
of the biggest honors is the RT Book
Reviews Reviewer’s Choice Awards.
The reviewers for RT
Book Reviews read hundreds of books a year.
Having them choose your book as a finalist is a huge honor, and winning
is, well, marvelous. Of the many
categories, one is for best Love Inspired Historical novel of the approximately
50 books published in that line for the year.
The nominees were
Mountain Miss by Karen Kirst
Outlaw’s Redemption by Renee Ryan
of the Cowboy Doctor by Lacy Williams
Courting Campaign by Regina Scott (I've heard she's good)
Heiress’s Homecoming by Regina Scott
And I am tickled pink to announce that the winner for best
Love Inspired Historical novel for 2013 has been selected and it is The
Heiress’s Homecoming!
Really! I’m pinching
But the good news doesn't stop there. Around Easter I usually hand out a
bonus. This year, I've written a short
online story telling how Peter Quimby, that charming valet from The Wife Campaign, met his match. It’s set just after the close of The Husband Campaign. I hope you like it. You can read it free here.
You might just call it a win-win situation.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Girls and World War I, Part 1: Doing Their Bit
Writing a story set in 1917 has been a fascinating experience for me. It’s not a time I knew a great deal about, so there’s definitely been a learning curve...but I’ve been having tons of fun with it (as you might have noticed!)
One thing that has struck me as I do my research to write this story is how much World War I was truly the first BIG media-covered war (though the Spanish-American War in 1898 was in many ways a rehearsal for it). By 1917 the cinema had become an important part of people’s everyday lives; in the newsreels shown in theatres, moving picture footage of actual battlegrounds and armies could be seen. Also, photography was now more easily reproducible in newspapers and magazine, and both of these served to bring the war “home” in ways that just hadn’t been possible before. And let’s face it, war is big news. It sells a lot of newspapers and magazines, so there was plenty of coverage of it in popular media.
That coverage extended to media intended for a female audience. World War I was probably the first war that called strongly on all American citizens, male and female, to help in whatever way possible. For men, it was enlisting, obviously. But women, too, were encouraged—heck, exhorted, as in the editorial above from the June 1917 issue of Ladies' Home Journal—to “do their bit.” The countries at war with the Kaiser not only needed soldiers, but support personnel, war materiél, and food to feed their civilian populations. Belgium in particular was experiencing famine conditions as no one could grow food when large swathes of the country formed the battlegrounds of the war, and cross-Atlantic trade had been severely hampered by German u-boat activity.
So in a very real sense, women did have to “do their bit” for the war effort. Since they were the homemakers, they were the ones in charge of purchasing and preparing food...and they were the ones who could cut down on the use of wheat, beef, and other food that could be shipped overseas to feed troops and hungry European civilians, and learn to make do with other food sources.
But food wasn’t the only place women helped. Since so many young men were being shipped overseas to fight, young women began to replace them on farms and in factories. And let’s not forget medical personnel and other support people, from clerks and secretaries in Washington to ambulance drivers on the western front. Over the next few weeks I’ll talk a little more about how young women “went to war” in World War I.
One thing that has struck me as I do my research to write this story is how much World War I was truly the first BIG media-covered war (though the Spanish-American War in 1898 was in many ways a rehearsal for it). By 1917 the cinema had become an important part of people’s everyday lives; in the newsreels shown in theatres, moving picture footage of actual battlegrounds and armies could be seen. Also, photography was now more easily reproducible in newspapers and magazine, and both of these served to bring the war “home” in ways that just hadn’t been possible before. And let’s face it, war is big news. It sells a lot of newspapers and magazines, so there was plenty of coverage of it in popular media.
That coverage extended to media intended for a female audience. World War I was probably the first war that called strongly on all American citizens, male and female, to help in whatever way possible. For men, it was enlisting, obviously. But women, too, were encouraged—heck, exhorted, as in the editorial above from the June 1917 issue of Ladies' Home Journal—to “do their bit.” The countries at war with the Kaiser not only needed soldiers, but support personnel, war materiél, and food to feed their civilian populations. Belgium in particular was experiencing famine conditions as no one could grow food when large swathes of the country formed the battlegrounds of the war, and cross-Atlantic trade had been severely hampered by German u-boat activity.
So in a very real sense, women did have to “do their bit” for the war effort. Since they were the homemakers, they were the ones in charge of purchasing and preparing food...and they were the ones who could cut down on the use of wheat, beef, and other food that could be shipped overseas to feed troops and hungry European civilians, and learn to make do with other food sources.
But food wasn’t the only place women helped. Since so many young men were being shipped overseas to fight, young women began to replace them on farms and in factories. And let’s not forget medical personnel and other support people, from clerks and secretaries in Washington to ambulance drivers on the western front. Over the next few weeks I’ll talk a little more about how young women “went to war” in World War I.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Another Writer Field Trip: Georgetown
Sorry this blog is later in the day than usual, but at least
I come bearing pictures! I have been in
the Washington, D.C., area for almost a week, visiting my wonderful critique
partner and helping some old friends with a writing assignment. Of course, along the way, I had to sneak in
some history.
In my neck of the woods, finding anything that dates before
the 1850s can be challenging. Perhaps
that’s why I enjoyed wandering around Georgetown. Founded in 1751 and incorporated in 1789,
Georgetown was joined to Washington, D.C., through a succession of Acts of
Congress. Many of the homes in the area
date from the nineteenth century, and a few go back to pre-Revolutionary War
time. Here are some examples of early
houses, or reproductions, we saw on our walk.
Which is your favorite? I must admit to finding the tall, skinny houses utterly charming, but oh, those stairs!
One example of a Federal era house (roughly the same time as
the Regency period in which I usually write), is Dumbarton House. My delightful critique partner and I were fortunate
to tour it with a very knowledgeable guide.
Built in 1799 and sold to the Nourse family in 1804, the property
achieved some measure of fame when First Lady Dolley Madison, fleeing the
British during the War of 1812, stopped to rest in the house.
Alas, no flash photography is allowed so as to protect the
materials, and my digital camera is new enough that I wasn’t confident I could
turn off the flash, so I have only an exterior shot. But you can find more information on the
house at its website.
In touring the house and later Carlyle House in Alexandria,
I discovered a couple things that require additional research (lovely, lovely
research!). One was that the entry halls
were used to host dancing, something I have never heard mentioned in England. Another was the use of painted sailcloth as a
floor covering, again, not something I have ever encountered in a British
house. I will look into both and report
more soon.
Anyone out there visited Dumbarton House? Or know more about entry hall dancing or painted
sailcloth coverings?
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Fashion Forecast: 1831
What was the well-dressed young woman wearing in 1831?
By this year, the era of “big” is firmly established: big hats, big sleeves, big skirts, and in some cases, big hair, as in this print from February’s La Belle Assemblée. The lady on the left in the green Dinner Dress has a coiffure fearfully and wonderfully made (and probably involving a hair piece added to her own braided locks):
The heavy ornamentation of skirts seen in the 1820s has diminidhed but lingers on into the early 1830s, as we can see in the Evening Dress and Opera Dress from March’s La Belle Assemblée. Long fur tippets, or boas, will remain in fashion throughout the decade, a foretaste of the 1890s:
The sheer size of sleeves in this decade (until 1836) must have made tasks such as putting on earrings (as the young lady at right in the Dinner Dress is doing) less than easy. Sleeves achieved their size through stuffing with horsehair pads or through frameworks made of wire or wickerwork (June, La Belle Assemblée):
The Dinner Dress at left here is a bit of a throwback to the 1820s, with its gauze oversleeves and lack of crazy shoulder width...and the Ball Dress at right is just charming, with lace-frilled sleeves and an overskirt heavily decorated with flowers and more lace (July, La Belle Assemblée):
The big event of 1831 was the coronation of King William IV, who’d succeeded his brother George IV (a.k.a. the Prince Regent), and his wife Queen Adelaide, on September 8. In this print of the event from October’s La Belle Assemblée, it is curious to note that the female spectators seated in the balconies do not sport the excessive sleeves and headdresses currently in fashion (it's hard to see in this image because of the size, but trust me on this). I would not be at all surprised if that weren’t the result of official decree...or it could just be prudent ladies not wanting to have their sleeves crushed at such a crowded event!
The Carriage Dress on the left features a sort of capelet called a pelerine, in addition to a pleated linen double collar. Both it and the Dinner Dress at right have gigot sleeves...and there’s another fur tippet (La Belle Assemblée, November):
In this print from November’s La Belle Assemblée the lady at far right is wearing a mantle over her Opera Dress, a sort of combination of cloak and coat and the standard outerwear for women for the next several years. Her hat is very stylish, I must say—I love the jaunty angle at which it perches on her head, though I would not want to be sitting behind her in the theatre. The Morning Dress at left features Medici sleeves and overskirt and pelerine edged with a rounded dagged trim:
From December's La Belle Assemblée we have another mantle (or it could be a pelerine cape—it’s not always easy to tell the difference) over a fur-trimmed Carriage Dress—perfect for the time of year! The Dinner Dress at left features an embroidered and lace-bedecked muslin canezou-pelerine set over puffed sleeves with gauze oversleeves—a somewhat fussy look. Good thing the rest of the dress is very plain!
What do you think of 1831’s fashions?
Friday, April 11, 2014
Taking a Writer Back in Time: Pioneer Farm Museum
For a historical writer, first-hand accounts of the time
period and well-researched history books are wonderful resources, but sometimes
the answer to a pesky question can only be found by going back in time. I would have loved to hitch a ride with the
Doctor or hop into Mr. Verne's time machine, but for my current work in
progress, set in Washington Territory in 1866, I opted for something a little
more easily obtained: a trip to Pioneer
Farm Museum near Eatonville, Washington.
Pioneer Farm is one of those wonderful museums geared toward
children, so everything is very hands on.
That’s an incredible bonus to a writer.
In a more traditional museum, many things are behind glass, so you can
describe what your eyes see but only guess at the other senses. At a museum like Pioneer Farm, you get to
touch and smell and taste and hear what life was like in the late nineteenth
century on the frontier. I gleefully
followed our tour guides around from the general store to the school house to
the three cabins, barn, and blacksmith’s shop, peppering them with questions
and poking my nose into everything.
So, what did I learn on my visit?
Planked wooden floors creak.
With every step.
Oil lamps aren't really bright enough to read by, but they
do warm up a curling iron nicely.
It takes a lot of time and work to grate enough cinnamon for
one pie.
A lady could lay in the bottom of a wagon bed and not be
noticeable from the street (key plot point, there!).
Pioneer Farm Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated
to providing living history, environmental, and cultural education through
hands-on activities. If you happen to be
in the area, I highly recommend a visit.
I know some of you have been to great museums in your
area. Any recommendations to share?
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
From my Collection...
I’m still collecting dance cards and aides memoire—you can see a few from my collection here—and have a couple of new pieces that I thought might interest you.
First, isn’t this wee aide memoire adorable? It’s the smallest in my collection, a dainty 1 7/8 inches long and under an inch wide, and with four leaves. I also like the ambiguity of the inscription, “Forget me not”...was it a gift from an admirer, a souvenir of a friendship, or just a reminder that this was the place to jot down things one didn’t want to forget?
This one was clearly meant to be used as a dance card: note the ring, so that it could be worn while dancing if one did not have a pocket or reticule at hand. I have a special fondness for these fan-shaped ones. This one has five leaves for writing on, two loops at the left to hold a minute pencil, and a sturdy clasp:
This last aide memoire is highly unusual; I’ve never seen one with a cover made of stone! The jasper (or agate) cover is very handsome and is translucent when held up to the light. Unusually, it has leaves for every day of the week, Sunday included...and the matching pencil is just plain awesome:
And in another type of collection, I was delighted last Saturday to make a new face-to-face acquaintance...long-time NineteenTeen reader and commenter QnPoohBear stopped by a teen book event in Rhode Island where I was a guest to say hello and bring me some printouts of WWI era articles and recipes from her collection. It was a pleasure to see you outside of cyberspace, QNPoohBear!!
Any other collectors out there? What sparks your acquisitive streak?
Friday, April 4, 2014
Quiz: The Search for the Ideal Husband
The Master Matchmakers series focuses on servants who think
they know the perfect match for their masters.
What about you? Given your
personality, which of the gentlemen featured in the series would your servants
have considered a good match for you?
Take the quiz to find out, but beware!
I've added a fourth gentleman to the list, and he just might steal your
heart! (See the first comment for his
identity and how to score your answers.)
1. When traveling
from one location to another, your ideal husband would prefer to
a. Ride on a powerful
b. Stroll along chatting
with friends
c. Walk as quickly
and efficiently as possible
d. Convince the duke
with the largest carriage to give him a ride
2. Your ideal husband’s
leisure time reading would include
a. A good treatise on
the birthing of foals
b. Izaak Walton’s The Compleat Angler
c. The Transactions of the Philosophical
d. Wordsworth’s
3. Your husband’s
preferred outfit would consist of
a. A coat, breeches,
and riding boots
b. A waistcoat, linen
shirt with good range of movement for his arms, and water-proofed boots
c. Whatever was
closest to hand, regardless of whether it was clean or matched
d. Perfectly matched,
refined coat and trousers tailored to his person and indicative of his style
4. Your husband would
tie his cravat in this style
a. Simply knotted
b. The Corinthian, a
fold currently popular among sporting gentlemen
c. The Mathematical
(but only when his valet was involved)
d. An elegant fold
that others struggle to copy
5. Your husband would
prefer to spend his time with you
a. Riding across
verdant fields, then a quiet picnic under the trees
b. Holding you in his
arms while he teaches you the fine art of fishing
c. Listening to your
stories in ardent appreciation
d. Taking you on an
adventure, whether sailing on the Thames or venturing into the deepest cavern
in search of gold
6. If your husband
wrote his own wedding vows, he might say the following:
a. “I will never be
worthy of your love, but if you allow me, I will treasure you all the days of
your life.”
b. “I promise you
will always come first in my life, no matter the requirements of my station or interests.”
c. “You are my equal
in all ways, and I will never be whole without you are at my side.”
d. “Come with me and
be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove.”
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
No April Fool’s Here--How to Win Your Husband’s Heart
April 1 seems a strange day for launching my new release, The Husband Campaign. I keep expecting my publisher to shout,
“April Fool’s!”

Here’s some of Turner’s advice on how to win your husband:
“If you ask me,” she said as she
helped Amelia into her nightgown, “a gentleman shouldn’t spend two nights in a
stable, especially after being wed less than a fortnight.”
“Lord Hascot has a sick horse,” Amelia explained.
“He has a sick wife, too,” Turner replied, “sick
of being alone, I warrant.”
“That will do, Turner,” Amelia said.
The maid’s lips compressed. She said nothing more
until she had Amelia settled in bed. Then she stepped back.
“You ought to show him what’s what, your
ladyship,” she insisted. “Just like you did with the butler and cook today.”
“Turner,” Amelia warned.
The maid drew herself up. “I warned you I can’t
hold my tongue, your ladyship. Not when I see something amiss, and there’s
plenty amiss with this house. You can send me back to the Grange tomorrow for
saying so, but that man needs you. Everyone in the dale knows he’s lonely.”
Amelia frowned as she leaned back against the
pillow. “Lonely?”
Turner took a step closer. “Yes, ma’am. How
couldn’t he be, no one but horses and horse-mad folk to talk to?”
She made it sound as if John’s servants and buyers
were somehow crazy. Or he was. “He seems content to me. I think he simply
doesn’t like change.”
“He’s stuck in his ways, you mean.” Turner snapped
a nod of agreement. “You could help him, your ladyship. Draw him out, make him
smile.” She grinned. “I warrant he could be a handsome fellow if he smiled.”
Amelia had thought the same thing when she’d seen
one of his rare smiles. “Thank you for your advice, Turner,” she said, unable
to still a grin of her own. “That will be all this evening.”
With a curtsey, the maid left her.
But Turner’s words lingered. Was John as lonely as
Amelia? Would he accept her companionship? Or would he even care? How was she
to make a marriage when the other half of that marriage had no time or
How indeed. You can
discover how Amelia won the day in The Husband
Campaign at fine retailers near you or your keyboard:
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