First, I’m very pleased to announce that Beebs won my second chance copy of An Honorable Gentleman. The Random Number Generator does not lie, even though its choice was oddly fitting since she also guessed right but lost out in the first chance! Beebs, contact me at reginascott@owt.com with your mailing address, and I’ll send it right out to you.
During our birthday house party, Lo suggested that we talk about activities on the Continent, such as the Grand Tour. As the Grand Tour was rather, well, grand, I’m planning for the topic to take a few posts to relay, and I’ll be sprinkling them in between now and spring.
To start out with, the Grand Tour came to be the term used for a trip a young man took to complete his education in the nineteenth century, sort of the senior road trip some take today. Only this trip took considerably more than roads to accomplish!
The general purpose of the Grand Tour was exposure. By traveling to foreign climes, the young man would see art, architecture, manners, customs, and cultures different from his own and come back better informed and better able to take part in his own society. The young men were generally gentry or aristocrats, and most often British, although youths from Northern European countries sometimes traveled as well, and there are accounts of Americans and South Americans joining the party.
On your trip, you were expected to view the other cultures, partake only to a certain extent that was proper, and somehow memorialize your impressions, whether through painting, writing a journal, or carting home representative books, artwork, or tokens that would then be displayed with pride the resulting years of your life.

The Grand Tour could take several months, or several years, depending on the itinerary and your family’s wealth and willingness to have you away from home. The most common itinerary included time in France (when Britain was not at war with it), Switzerland, and Italy (Rome, Venice, Naples), but might extend to the German States, Spain (when it was not at war), and Greece (if you weren’t afraid to brave the Ottoman Empire). As the nineteenth century wore on, and train travel became more available, more people began to take their own Grand Tours, whether young men from mercantile families or even well-chaperoned young ladies.
So, your families had the good sense to hire you two ladies with reasonable credentials and some experience with literature (cough, cough, Regina and Marissa). Think about where you’d like to go on your Grand Tour, ladies, and perhaps we can plot out an itinerary for the next few months.
Thanks for the book ladies, I'm so pleased, I'll email immediately.
I love the idea of a grand tour, maybe a tour of the capital cities:
Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Athens, Vienna, Moscow, Berlin....
But then I've always wanted to see Venice, Naples, Milan, Sicily, Malta, Gibraltar......
Umm, How long are we going for and do we have unlimited funds.
This is perfect!! I am writing a scene right now that requires planning for the Grand Tour. Thank you!!
I'd love to see Vienna! Then I'd like to stay at a spa in the Swiss Alps. I know just the place
It's amazing and better than Bath and perhaps we will see Goethe or Mark Twain or the scandalous Guy de Maupassant. Look, picture #4 is us!
Excellent suggestions, Beebs! Let's say we can travel for a year, and we have the funds to stay wherever we like, such as that lovely spa QNPoohBear suggested. (Thank you!)
And glad to oblige, Lo!
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