Friday, September 16, 2016

More Happy Returns of the Day

I can hardly believe Marissa and I are still blogging after she first approached me to join her in this venture, which we launched in September 2007. Over the years I’ve enjoyed writing about odd activities such as the hobby horse, pedestrianism, and other fun facts I uncovered researching. But choosing my five favorites? That was really, really hard! So, I admit to cheating a little.

One of my favorite series of posts was when we all took the Grand Tour together. You helped me identify places you’d like to visit, I researched the locations, and together we discovered the wonders of Paris, the beauty of crossing the Alps, and the amazing architecture of Roman and Venice.

Another favorite series talked about real-life nineteenth century heroines, women who lived in that time who did outstanding things. Posts about Ada Byron, the first computer engineer; Eleanor Coade, whose stonework is still copied; and Mary Anning, who discovered a dinosaur, were particularly fun to write.

Finally, I loved writing the series of posts on seashore towns in the early nineteenth century, but it was during that research that I discovered the Shell Grotto, which is now on my ever-growing list of places I want to see in England. 

And now we’re off on another year together. Where do you want to go next? What would you like to see us talk about? You have been a quiet bunch in general, but we really do want to hear from you.

Now’s your chance. Speak up. What do you want more of? What do you want us to try we’ve never tried before? The Grand Tour and nineteenth century heroines posts came about because one of you made a suggestion. Let’s hear your thoughts as we begin our tenth year blogging at Nineteenteen.

Picture credit: Cobatfor


Lynn Lovegreen said...

i really enjoy what you two come up. One thing I have loved is learning about real individuals and their contributions to things, like the ladies you mentioned in this post.

Regina Scott said...

Thanks, Lynn! I know you share our love for history. There's always something more to learn!

QNPoohBear said...

I love the real life ladies posts too. I also really like knowing the history behind the story and for fun, the interviews with the characters. Marissa's Regency fabric posts are also excellent.

Regina Scott said...

Thanks, QNPoohBear! Marissa and I sure have enjoyed your comments over the years. We learn from you too!