Happy birthday to us! Thanks so much for adding your comments on why you love the nineteenth century. Don’t forget, commenting or suggesting a new topic for us enters you to win a wonderful fashion plate or a $25 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble! We’ll draw the names when we get to our nineteenth reason why we love the nineteenth century in a couple weeks. So, here are some of my reasons why:

4. Marissa mentioned the gorgeous women’s clothes, but I love the
sophisticated gentlemen’s clothes even more. (And no, it’s not because I’ve been known to masquerade as a dandy!) Those tailored jackets, the polished boots, the high-crowned beavers, all speak of prestige and power. And a man in a black cape, white shirt, and breeches still makes me swoon! The basic suit that developed in the nineteenth century is still the mark of a well-dressed man today. Though I wager none can swagger quite as well as Byron or Brummell.

The elegant equipages: There’s something fine about riding high, feeling the strength of very real horses pulling at the reins, knowing you control their motions with a flick of your wrist. You can keep your sports cars—give me a sleek barouche and set of prancing pairs any day of the week.

The imaginative architecture: From columns, clean lines, and crisp stone to fanciful
gingerbread, the nineteenth century saw its shifts in architectural vogue. There’s something solid, permanent, and impressive about the earlier styles, but I must admit to a fondness to the later ornamentation. It looks more feminine, kinder, sweeter to me, speaking of tea and cakes and Aunt Bess playing the pianoforte in the background. I can just see myself living here.
So, what are your favorite things?
Gosh--I love all your reasons! However, it's easy to get caught up in the glamor and forget that life was hard back then. Have you done any posts on "Why I'm Glad I Don't Actually Live in the Nineteenth Century".
Happy Birthday!
Afternoon Tea, Calling Cards, and Jane Austen
I was wondering if you have any reccomendations for places to buy Victorian dresses, or dresses that look like the ones Juliet Capulet would wear. I love the styles of clothes they wear.
Tia, you are entirely correct about not wanting to live in the 19th century (read Charles Dickens), but it's always fun to learn about and romanticize. Addie, check out the patterns and links at http://www.sensibility.com
You're right, the architecture is gorgeous!
How about jobs the people who lived in London and worked for a living might have? Or the difference in those who lived by the sea? Oh-smugglers!
Again, apologies if these have already been done.:)
Hi! I love the dresses of the Ninteenth century. I would love to wear one of those dresses just for an everyday dress!I also lve the books, horses, and the beautiful scenery.
I also LOVE all your reasons too!
Evan S.
The ballrooms and the gowns are my fave.
Gentleman's clothing...is there anything worn today that looks for elegant and swoonworthy than, say, the clothes worn by Colin Firth in Pride and Prejudice?
Addie, also check out Folkwear patterns:
www.folkwear.com --they do several historical patterns. The designer Jessica McClintock (her label was called "Gunnesax") used to do a lot of Victorian-influenced dresses. Check maybe on eBay?
One of the reasons I like the 19th century is the clothes. I love the dresses! Anyway... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! *giggle*
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