I’m sitting in a large ballroom at the Dolphin Resort at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.. There’s a pair of musicians, guitar and flute, playing gentle, melodic music that I know I’ve heard before (I have, as it turns out--it’s used in the Pride and Prejudice miniseries). Rows of ladies who just happen to be writers of Regency romance in real life are arrayed in rows, listening to the directions of a period dance instructor as she talks them through the steps of a dance that was popular back in the 1820s.
And did I mention that most of them are wearing wonderful costumes like this (doesn't Regina look lovely?):

And this?

And this? (That's Regency author Shirley Marks and her charming daughter Kimberly):

You guessed it--it’s the annual meeting of The Beau Monde, the Regency special interest chapter of the Romance Writers of America. Regina and I have been busy since eight this morning, attending workshops and giving our own (on current markets for “sweet” Regencies…of course I waxed long-winded on writing young adult!), drinking tea, and now, dancing and enjoying the fun.

What else have we done today? I signed
Bewitching Season and
Betraying Season at the enormous
Readers for Life book signing and got to meet some other on-line YA-writing acquaintances face to face. And speaking of meeting on-line friends face-to-face, Regina and I were delighted to meet frequent Nineteenteen commenter Gillian Layne, who by the way is up for an RWA Golden Heart award in the Regency Historical Romance category...stay tuned for more reports from Orlando.
And ohmigosh, we get to see the fireworks from our room. How cool is that?
Lurve the pics and don't you two ladies look adorable! Wow, that book signing room looks amazing with all of the authors in there. Congratulations and enjoy Disney world!
Nice meeting you, if in a sort of loud, awkward place... Thanks for the awesome fan!
Sounds like a lot of fun! I love conferences where people dress up.
It was a lot of fun...a great conference, and so nice to get a chance to meet people! I am bound and determined to have a Regency dress made by next year, when the conference is in New York City and I'm not having to fly to get there (no weight restriction on luggage!)
My daughter and I had a wonderful time. I encourage you to find a suitable dress, Marissa. It makes the soiree all the more fun.
I'm going to see if I can find a proper headdress. I'm thinking feathers....
YES! DEFINITELY feathers. And a quizzing glass. I want an Almack's Lady Patroness kind of costume. :)
Ooooh.... a quizzing glass. Good idea. :)
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