Whist started out as a gentleman’s game, played in clubs for money, but quickly gained popularity. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, ladies and gentlemen were expected to know how to play, and the better you played, the more respect you earned (although most home card parties did not feature playing for money). An outstanding whist player was a coveted partner. By the end of the nineteenth century, there were clubs just for playing whist as well as championships played in major cities. The famous Edmond Hoyle (“According to Hoyle”) even wrote instructions on how to play well.
Whist is similar to bridge or pinochle, with four players in two partnerships. Partners sit across from each other at a table. The dealer deals out all of the 52 cards; the dealer’s final card indicates which suit will be trump. Aces are the high card, two the low. Trump cards beat all cards regardless of rank.

Whist was not for the fainthearted. You needed to be able to remember which cards had been played in a trick to know what cards were still in someone’s hand. You needed to be able to watch your partner’s play so you could pick up tricks or not waste your high cards. Gentlemen, and some ladies for that matter, were known to be scathing of the poor partner who could not keep up. On the other hand, a lady who played well, and played at a house party where coin was exchanged for points taken, could do very well for herself.
I think I’d better stick to dancing. What about you?
The library I worked at last year has a whole collection of books on games, including books on how to play whist! I don't care for card games or dancing. You will find me in the library in search of a good book or behind a potted plant reading.
Go Fish is about all I can manage. I think I'd go back and forth between dancing with Regina and hiding in the library with QNPoohbear.
Oh, well, if the house has a good library, you know where to find me. :-)
Definitely a dancer. Games like that make my brain hurt. I had friends try and try and try to teach me to play euchre--which is similar with the tricks and remembering what cards are played, etc.--and I couldn't do it.
You and me both, Dara! My folks loved double-deck pinochle when I was growing up. I learned, and I could play, but I always sweated through each round, sure I was going to disappoint them. I sooo prefer to dance!
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