The Protestant churches urged members to do more than simply learn about their Creator. Christians were to show their devotion through good deeds. Urged on by the likes of evangelical writer Hannah More and encouraged by the successes of people like William Wilberforce (who helped abolish the slave trade in England), the middle and upper classes of all ages sallied forth to help the less fortunate.

The Society for the Relief and Discharge of Persons Confined for Small Debts sought out people in Debtor’s Prison and worked to either pay their fines or get those fines eliminated so the prisoners could be freed. Through donations of money as well as provisions, they were able to get released about 800 prisoners a year.
Then there were the various societies that worked to make sure certain types of stories and songs were preserved in book form. For example, the Percy Society strove to publish books of rare poems and songs, using manuscripts in the British Museum and their own collections as sources. They strove to recreate the text exactly as they found it, although they tended to censure out what they considered as obscene terms or lyrics. They took the name of their society from Thomas Percy, who had previously published similar works, although he liked to add lines or combine versions to suit himself. Some of their work is now being made available online, such as this one about the legend of Reynard the Fox.
So what society would you start if you could?
This is so fascinating. The picture of the little boy is so thought provoking, b/c he looks so happy! Thanks for sharing!
I'm joining William Wilberforce in anti-slavery and animal rights. I highly recommend the movie Amazing Grace about Wilberforce.
Carrie, he does look like a cocky little chap, doesn't he? Some may have found the work more adventuresome, or maybe I'm just thinking of the dance scene from Mary Poppins. :-)
QNPoohBear, thanks for reminding me of that movie. I've been meaning to watch it for a while.
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