Those of you who like sparklies may want to check out this post by historical author Tara Cohen about a nineteenth century set of jewels held by the Swedish Royal Treasury. Drool worthy!
Some of you may remember our posts on nineteenth century country dances, such as this one by guest blogger Gail Eastwood. Now, thanks to RegencyDances.org, there’s a wonderful resource online for learning the steps. They’ve even provided animation so you can envision what the couples would be doing. Interesting and entertaining!
During our birthday house party, Lo suggested that we host more current authors of YA set in the nineteenth century. We’re delighted that next week Jennifer Bradbury will be joining us to talk about her book, Wrapped. Hint: It’s a perfect lead in to Halloween!
October 30 is the 200th anniversity of the publication of Sense and Sensibility and officially Talk Like Jane Austen Day. To celebrate, Marissa and I will be guest blogging at SOS Aloha. Stop by and say hi, or should I say, offer us your esteemed company, if you have a chance.
A here-and-therian was a fellow who couldn’t commit to anything (a bit like this post), who traveled about with no set home or preferred to chase women rather than catch them; as in “I truly thought Englebert would propose this time, but he’s such a here-and-therian that I suppose I’ll never bring him up to snuff!”
Happy Friday!
Looking forward to the author guest post!
I loved Wrapped. :) I look forward to hearing Jennifer talk about it!
Thanks for linking to my post, Regina. So sweet of you!
I love the bit about the here-and-therian. It feels like a phrase on which Heyer would base an entire character in a novel.
Wrapped was excellent! Can't wait to hear from Jennifer Bradbury...
Oh, that RegencyDances site is great! Weird, crazy, and great. I love watching those Regency folks in little squares move around each other. :-) Thanks for the link -- I hadn't heard of it.
Glad to hear we have some Jennifer Bradbury fans in the house, Faith and Jessica! You and Stephsco will have fun tomorrow!
Tara and Cara--you're welcome!
Sorry it took me a bit to get back to the computer and respond, everyone. I was out of town with limited computer access from Friday morning through Sunday night.
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