Using dogs to search for and retrieve game birds was another popular form of hunting during the nineteenth century. Only aristocrats and landed gentry had the right to the game in the forests, and those with land suitable for shooting on their estates guarded their lands, and the wildlife to be found on them, zealously.
Many types of birds were considered good fare for the tables of the rich, and dogs were developed to specialize in particular kinds, eventually becoming different breeds. Spaniels were developed early, by the late 1600s, and then further evolved into land and water spaniels. The land spaniels “flushed,” or frightened, game birds such as partridge and pheasant out of dense brush so the hunters could shoot them “on the wing.” Water spaniels breeds were used to retrieve waterfowl from ponds and streams. Pointers and setters helped to find the game by pointing at them. The stood in a steady pose, nose toward the birds, one front paw lifted, and their tail straight out. Their steadiness on point was a chief attribute they were bred for.
Unlike the scent hounds such as Foxhounds and Beagles, which smelled the ground to discover their prey, the “sporting” breeds scented the air to find game. Many of the sporting breeds today look very much like they did in the nineteenth century. The exception is the retriever breeds, which were a work in progress during most of the century.

Shooting could be done by a solitary man with a dog, or, as one often reads in novels, a shooting party, usually houseguests at a country estate, goes out together, each man with his own gun and with several dogs accompanying the party.
And although an active, athletic dog such as the sporting dogs needed a great deal of exercise and therefore weren’t as likely to be kept as a household companion, their close bond with their owners still defined many of these dogs. Much more than in fox hunting, a dog and its master were a closely bonded pair, knowing almost by intuition what the other was communicating.

Harriers and Beagles strongly resemble their larger Foxhound cousins, and, like them, are ground scenters. Most of the breeds historically used for coursing were sighthounds, hunting their prey by sight, such as the Irish Wolfhound and Scottish Deerhound. These ancient breeds, because of the decimation of their genetically programmed prey and hard times in their countries of origin, had become quite rare during the nineteenth century. Ownership of a Scottish Deerhound by Queen Victoria helped rescue the breed. Victoria’s attachment to several breeds helped assure their popularity with the general public. And that’s the subject for another article!
Another great article, Judy! I love how dogs developed into specific breeds, based on the job they were bred to do!
Despite the fact many popular breeds were originally bred for a purpose, and have since become pampered household pets, they still retain aspects of their former "job." (We've all heard stories of unsuspecting families buying a Border Collie as a pet, only to find the dog herding their children, other pets, birds, etc.) *g*
Thanks, Sherrie! Yes, I love reading about the development of the different breeds. And it's also amazing to watch them perform the work they were bred to do. They love it!
Another great post on dogs. Watching dogs do what they are bred to do is fun when it's not your terrier digging pot holes in your back yard or barking 24/7 at some poor animal trapped under the shed (MUCH funnier when it's someone else's terrier) ... but we love them anyway. ;-)
So true, QNPoohBear. Our Collies love to run up and down our fenceline barking at anything that goes by. Or, if there's nothing else going by, they run up and down the fenceline between our different yards barking at each other! I think they think they're herding.
Thanks for your comments!
Judy, good luck to your daughter--that's very exciting!
When I was small, there was a collie in the neighborhood that used to chase airplanes. That herding instinct...
Great and informative article, Judy. My grandpa was a duck hunter and always had a retriever which he specially trained for the task.
When I think of the Regency period, I think it's a retriever I think about as I picture a hunter and his dog.
Good luck to Jennie in the dog show!
Thanks, Marissa, and thanks for having me on your blog! I've had fun!
Our Collies and the Martens that spend their summers here play games. It's amazing to see the birds fly around and swoop down almost within reach of the dogs and the dogs run around chasing them. It's not a ploy on the birds' part to draw the dogs away from their young, because the nests are quite far away from where the dogs' yards are. They are all obviously having fun!
Thanks for the well-wishes, Gina. It's just a thrill to be going to Westminster. It's been a dream since she first started showing dogs!
All the sporting breeds will retrieve. It's one of the more important parts of the hunting job. They save their humans untold work stomping through the brush or swimming out in the lakes!
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