We were lucky enough to have a
splendid view out over the lagoon and pool areas of the resort (that's it above.) Herons, ibises,
and ducks seemed to enjoy hanging out in the lagoon...and on a few occasions, I
saw ducks take to the swimming pool as well. The lovely view didn’t end when
the sun went down: we got to watch a nightly display of fireworks and (speaking
of lightning) one spectacular evening thunderstorm.
So what do we do at these
conferences? Well, for one thing, we talk—about writing and our careers, about
our families, about our lives. Regina is one of my dearest friends, and this is
our only chance in the year to talk face-to-face...so we make the most of it!
But we’re also attending workshops on writing and the publishing industry (and
sharing notes afterward if we go to different workshops); I found workshops by
Lisa Cron (a story analyst and consultant ) and media specialist Fauzia Burke
especially useful, as well as workshops on historical forensics and writing
romantic adventure stories. We do other business-y stuff like meet with our
agents and editors (sadly, my agent didn’t come this year.)
And we go to parties. Regina
will tell you about one we attended on Wednesday night in her post on Friday,
and I’ll tell you about the party we went to on Friday given by the Fantasy,
Futuristic, and Paranormal chapter of RWA.
There was terrific food (the tiny crabcakes and inch-long chicken pot
pies were awesome), a costume contest in which my friend and critique partner
(and Golden Heart finalist!) Janet Halpin won second place...and the
presentation of the chapter’s PRISM Award for published books, in which Skin
Deep won in the Best Urban Fantasy category. That’s me and Regina with my shiny
crystal PRISM trophy...an honor I’m most delighted and grateful for.
That’s my wrap-up for Regina
and Marissa’s Excellent Annual Girls’ Sleepover/RWA Conference...but you know,
we’ve been thinking that once a year isn’t enough...
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