Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Accessories, Part 11: More Scarves and Wraps

We’re back for another installment in our fashion series on NineteenTeen focusing not on dresses and gowns (gorgeous as they are) but on the little things that complete a fashionable ensemble—hats, shoes, gloves, purses, parasols, and other accessories.

Our accessory of the week is the scarf or shawl, a particular favorite of mine (you don’t want to know how many scarves I own!) I’m not including fitted wraps or mantles (basically, colder weather wear) in this survey—we’ll look at those at a later date. In this era of no central heating, the shawl was a ubiquitous—and needed—garment. Ladies made a virtue of necessity by turning it into not only a fashion statement, but also a status indicator via expensive imported shawls from India, of silk and cashmere.

We’ll be seeing examples from 1822 through 1829. Look for lots of images rather than commentary, though I’ll try to supply original text if I have it—the point is to be able to examine multiple examples of each item. Images are drawn from my collection of prints from Ackermann’s Repository. Happy accessorizing!

Full Dress, January 1822, Ackermann’s Repository
Full shawl with decorative edging—embroidered or woven?

Evening Dress, July 1822 Ackermann’s Repository
Again, large shawl with decorative edging like that in the previous image

Walking Dress, August 1822 Ackermann’s Repository

Promenade Dress, December 1822 Ackermann’s Repository
From the accompanying text: “Long tippet and muff of chinchilla.”

Evening Dress, March 1823 Ackermann’s Repository
Appears to be a lighter weight shawl—silk?—in a tartan pattern.

Ball Dress, August 1823 Ackermann’s Repository
A light silk gauze wrap.

Evening Dress, September 1823 Ackermann’s Repository

Evening Dress, February 1824 Ackermann’s Repository
From the accompanying text: “...lace scarf...”

Morning Dress, March 1824 Ackermann’s Repository

Evening Dress, March 1824 Ackermann’s Repository

Dinner Dress, May 1824 Ackermann’s Repository
A very large (and elaborately drawn!) lace shawl.

Ball Dress, August 1824 Ackermann’s Repository
I can’t tell if those are beads on the fringe ends, or just knots.

Evening Dress, September 1824 Ackermann’s Repository
Another silk tartan shawl or scarf.

Evening Dress, January 1825 Ackermann’s Repository

Evening Dress, July 1825 Ackermann’s Repository
Another surprisingly modern-looking scarf with knotted fringe.

Morning Dress, August 1825 Ackermann’s Repository
Perhaps a wool tartan shawl here?

Evening Dress, January 1826 Ackermann’s Repository
I wish I had the text for this one, because the coloring on the scarf is very interesting. 

Evening Dress, April 1826 Ackermann’s Repository

Ball Dress, June 1826 Ackermann’s Repository
This shawl looks almost ombre dyed!

Evening Dress, July 1826 Ackermann’s Repository

Evening Dress, August 1826 Ackermann’s Repository

Evening Dress, December 1826 Ackermann’s Repository

Evening Dress, March 1827 Ackermann’s Repository

Dinner Dress, November 1827 Ackermann’s Repository
A pretty tartan gauze scarf.

Ball Dress, March 1828 Ackermann’s Repository
From the accompanying text: “...gauze scarf...”

Evening Full Dress, September 1828 Ackermann’s Repository
Another pretty lace scarf to end with!

Any shawls or scarves you'd fancy for your wardrobe?
To be continued...


Daisy said...

I think that I want most of them for my wardrobe. I really like the way some the lighter weight ones are shone on motion. I think that the shawl with the Ball Dress 1824 is beads because of the color difference from the fringe. It looks to me like it has red beads on a yellow fringe but they could have knotted the fringe where a stripe was dyed in.

Marissa Doyle said...

I would too, Daisy, because I am the scarf queen. :) And I agree with you re the beads on the fringe in the 1824 dress.