A recent acquisition, however, has finally addressed that issue. I already own and, indeed, had blogged about this plate from the February 1809 issue, depicting a buxom lady in a Half Dress (and no, that's not half a dress—"half dress" meant garb in a slighter more casual, less formal vein, perhaps for attending a smaller private party--as opposed to "full dress.") It is described as an Egyptian
head-dress of silver and pearls, one point falling on the left shoulder,
finished with a tassel; the hair in loose ringlets; pearl ear-rings, bracelets,
and necklace; a train dress of brocaded sarsnet, trimmed with silver and
vandyked; [I rather suspect this semi-colon should not be here] lace round the
neck in form of a tucker, long sleeves of Mecklin or Brussels lace; white
gloves and fan; shoes the same as the dress, of brocaded silk, with silver

And now I feel a little bit less puzzled. ☺

And speaking of prints...I'm very happy to report that Between Silk and Sand is a finalist in the young adult category of the I Heart Indie Contest, sponsored by the Las Vegas Romance Writers of America, which judges the cover presentation of indie and small press books. Category winners and the Best of the Best will be announced later this fall--keep your fingers crossed!
*I'm sure this question has kept you all awake at night as well. Right?
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