Friday, August 14, 2020

More Than Hot Air: A Viscount Speaks

A reader recently reviewed Never Vie for a Viscount, book 4 in my Fortune’s Brides series, beginning with the line, “This book is full of hot air.” I was ready to take umbrage, until I recalled this particular book has a hero trying to improve the science of ballooning. Then I had to smile at her cleverness.

Now the book is full of more than hot air. My wonderful narrator, Jannie Meisberger, has done it again! The audio book for Never Vie for a Viscount launched earlier this month and has already garnered a 5-star review. Bubbly Lydia Villers isn’t your typical Regency miss, but Jannie voiced her to perfection. And I love what she did with Matthew “Beast” Bateman, who is the hero of the sequel to this book.

And we’re working on that now. 😊

Lydia Villers wants to leave behind her life as a social butterfly and pursue a career in natural philosophy. A shame the only scientist available to assist her is the man she had once hoped to wed. Viscount Worthington has been betrayed once too often, including by the bubbly beauty who now wants to work at his side. How can he believe Lydia’s intentions are true this time? With the help of Miss Thorn and her beloved cat Fortune, an enthusiastic young lady and a wary lord might just discover that only together do they make the perfect chemistry.


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