We’ve now talked about teens and their older counterparts. We’ve shared information from the late 1700s to the early 1900s, in the U.S. and England. We’ve squealed about new publishing contracts and new directions and new books. We’ve let you know about some astonishingly good deals.
Marissa’s given you fashion forecasts and displayed and described fabrics from her extensive collection.
I’ve given you insights into real-world heroines from the time period.
Marissa’s shared 33 posts of fun language I can’t wait to use in a book, or with my husband. 😊
I’ve taken you on the Grand Tour of Europe.
Marissa gave you insights into the Royal Family, from before Victoria to beyond.
We both led you through the various summer spots and beach spas of England.
We watched movies together; read books together.
We had some highly entertaining guest bloggers!
Along the way, we’ve answered your comments and questions, and tried to implement your suggestions.
Most of all, when this blog started, we promised to have fun. We have. Have you?
Happy birthday, Nineteen Teen!
The answer to your question is YES. Back here in La Mancha we have enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for publishing.
Thank you, Michael Toora, for reading! And commenting. :-)
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