Indeed, “Affie” (as he was known in the family) was close to his big brother Bertie, whom he came to closely resemble in middle age (see photo below). But Affie’s childhood amongst his family was cut short when at age 13 he was enrolled as a midshipman in the Royal Navy, mostly at Prince Albert’s instigation. Victoria was not pleased at losing her son, writing to her daughter Vicky, married the same year, “I assure you, it is much better to have no children than to have them only to give them up! It is too wretched.” But lose him she did, first to the HMS Euryalus (on which he became the first English prince to visit the Cape of Good Hope, and later to long round-the-world trips, during which he was also the first English prince to visit Australia (it is reported that he was offered the throne of Australia, but refused it), India, and Hong Kong.

Perhaps it’s just as well he didn’t, because in 1893 he inherited the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha from his uncle, Prince Albert’s older brother. His reign did not last long, however, as throat cancer claimed him just seven years later, just a few months before Victoria’s own death.
Affie does not appear to have been a very attractive personality; in addition to his fondness for money, he evidently drank heavily, was possessed of a bad temper and tended to be rather a bore, according to Queen Victoria’s private secretary Sir Henry Ponsonby (“The Duke of Edinburgh occupies the chair and talks about himself by the hour. Those who go [to the Billiard Room at Balmoral, the only room the Queen allowed smoking in] are quite exhausted.” Still, one can’t help feeling a bit sorry for him—always “the spare”, overshadowed by his brother and clever elder sisters.
All of Victoria's children were fascinating, but I must say, Affie is my least favorite. He's too much of a "royal pain", if I may. =)
He was a bit of a lump, wasn't he? SOme of the upcoming ones are much more attractive and interesting.
I think his daughters had some of the coolest nicknames of all of Victoria's grandchildren: Missy, Ducky, Sandra, and Baby Bee.
Affie's wife was forever butting heads against Victoria. Marie thought she deserved precedence over the Princess of Wales since she was the daughter of the Tsar.
I'll definitely write about Missy, a.k.a Queen Maria of Romania, in a later article (even though a lot of her life happened after the nineteenth century. She was a fascinating woman.
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