Some duels were over gambling debts. In September 1810 in Surrey, Captain Hants was mortally wounded when he met a Mr. Coleshall at Monsley Hurst over a “trivial bet at Egham races.” This after Mr. Coleshall’s brother tattled on them the previous week when they were trying to set up to duel in Middlesex. So strong was the feeling about dueling, however, that when the Coroner’s Inquest was called, no witness mentioned Mr. Coleshall’s involvement. (So even the gossip columnist who reported about the event knew who had shot the gallant captain, but no one was willing to tell the jury the information.) The jury returned a verdict of “Willful Murder by person or persons unknown.” Hmm.
Sometimes duels were fought over a lady’s honor. A wealthy married gentleman by the name of Payne made advances toward a Miss Clark, who was a friend of his wife. Even his own brother tried to talk him out of it, but he refused to stop his attentions. Miss Clark must have poured her concerns out to her brother, who was a captain in the army, because he took umbrage and met Payne on Wimbledon Common (yes, that Wimbledon). Mr. Payne must have been feeling some remorse, for he told a friend that he would not return fire. The captain’s first shot killed him, leaving his widow to raise their four children. Once again, the jury returned a verdict of “Willful Murder by some person or persons unknown.”

Sometimes, however, duels were fought for political reasons. In 1798, the Prime Minister of England, William Pitt, accused George Tierney, an opposition politician, of desiring to obstruct the defense of England. Tierney demanded that Pitt withdraw the accusation; Pitt refused. Tierney challenged him to a duel, and the two met near London. The first set of shots went wild, and Pitt fired his second shot into the air, thereby vindicating honor. Even the Duke of Wellington, that victor of Waterloo, fought a duel when he was Prime Minister. He was accused of attempting to introduce “Popery” into British government by favoring laws giving Catholics more freedom in England. Wellington missed, and his opponent, the Earl of Winchilsea, fired into the air.
By the way, you may see the word delope or delopement used to describe the business of firing into the air. Georgette Heyer used the word in one of her books. So far, the term hasn’t been located in any document from the nineteenth century, to my knowledge.
So does that mean the pen really is mightier than the sword?
I have to admit to enjoying dueling (in novels). I think it's a romantic plot point for gentlemen to duel over a lady's honor. Even Jane Austen uses dueling in her plot of Sense & Sensibility (in the background). Thanks for the information on the word delope. Heyer had a lot of copycats and I have read that she sometimes made up words deliberately to trip up her copycats.
I've read the same thing, QNPoohBear. I suspect delope was one of those words. I generally enjoy dueling scenes too, but I can't seem to take them seriously since I saw the movie St. Ives. The hero is constantly challenged to duels in the beginning of the movie, for the most silly reasons! When he realizes he has a choice of meeting all his opponents on the field of honor or spending time with a pretty woman, he finds a way of getting out of the duels--by setting a pair of lobsters on his commanding officer's shoulders at dinner and ending up being demoted to a lower rank where dueling is forbidden!
If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it. Wonderful scenery and costumes, and absolutely hilarious lines!
I did not know that Wellington fought a duel. Very interesting. I do enjoy dueling in novels and wrote one into my recent novel. Sometimes a story just calls for a duel.
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