February 7 just happens to be the birthday of two extraordinary figures in English language literature:
Charles Dickens, who is celebrating his 200th this year, and
Laura Ingalls Wilder, celebrating her 145th. Happy birthday to you both!
I’m not going to write a conventional biographical post on these two—you can find that easily enough on your own. Nor do I think it necessary to post a list of their works—also easily obtainable elsewhere. What I’m offering today are a few words on part of why I think they are important figures now in 2012. I hope that you’ll post your thoughts as well—your thoughts on their place in your lives as a reader, your favorite book by them—whatever you like.

First, Mr. Dickens. My husband just finished reading
Stephen Pinker’s new book The Better Angels of Our Nature (yes, a Christmas gift from me), which discusses why he thinks that on the whole, civilization has progressed and violence in society has declined over the last couple of thousand years. You may or may not agree with him (I haven’t read the book yet, but it sounds fascinating) but he made one point that struck my DH strongly, and that he passed on to me: that one of the reasons western society as a whole has become a gentler place over the last two hundred years is the rise of novel reading since the 18th century—that reading novels (which became more affordable and obtainable via libraries in the 19th century) forced people to temporarily inhabit the skins of other people and live through their joys and sorrows, and thus develop empathy. Poor people weren’t just lazy or somehow inherently bad—they were human beings too, with aspirations and dreams, and deserved respect and help rather than scorn. If there was ever a champion of the poor in literature, that person has to be Charles Dickens. Thank you, sir, for helping to civilize the world. Who said that books don’t possess power?

And now, Mrs. Ingalls. Okay, so I’m an unashamed LIW fan and have been since fourth grade—let’s just get that said up front. I still re-read her Little House books every few years; interestingly, the book I had the hardest time with and liked the least back then (
The Long Winter) is now my favorite. I have read biographies of her and of Rose Wilder Lane and understand that her books are indeed, as she said, the truth, but not all of it. But I think she’s part of the origin of my history geekishness and my fascination with the details of how people once lived; she’s also a symbol, to me, of the sweep of history. Think about this: she was born two years after the end of the Civil War, and died just months before the first satellite went into earth orbit. In between that she saw the fall of horse power and sail and the preeminence of the engine on sea and land; she saw the telephone, the motorcar, radio, and television, the birth of medicine as a science, and the emancipation for women. What a life to have lived! Thank you, Mrs. Ingalls, for bringing part of that history to life for me.
P.S. In a few weeks we'll learn more about what teens read in the 19th century. Stay tuned!
Laura Ingalls Wilder is definitely the inspiration for my love of historical fiction. I was captivated by her world (first the TV show before I could read and then the books) and wanted to be her. I highly recommend the memoir The Wilder Life by Wendy McClure.
Charles Dickens is another fabulous author! Many happy returns of the day to Charles and Laura!
Love the post, Marissa! Coincidentally, my husband is right now reading the Pinker book (do all husbands read that book? enquiring minds want to know).
I think Laura Ingalls Wilder also inspired my interest in the past -- along with Louisa May Alcott, Frances Hodgeson Burnett, and several others. And I think it's a great thing to read such books as a kid, because from a young age, you realize that you, too, live in a point in time, with a past and a future...and wouldn't we be vain to think that our opinions and tastes right now were the summit of human achievement?
Okay, I can't say I thought all that at age 8...but those books definitely helped form my thinking. :-)
Lots of LIW love...her books were inspiring in so many ways. Thanks for commenting, ladies!
The Pinker is now in my TBR pile--is your husbamd enjoying it, Cara? Mine definitely did.
Dearly love all LIW works, they were read until tattered when I was growing up, and then we bought a new set for all my girls. Such simple, beautiful, calming writing. And as I grew up on a farm in the Midwest, her life experiences made me feel that the routine of rural life was something to be treasured.
Like Bilbo says: "But today of all days, it is brought home to me: It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life."
Lovely, Gillian--thank you!
Will we see you at National this year? Regina and I are giving a workshop on YA publishing.
He's definitely enjoying it, Marissa -- he's always quoting things from it to me. So now I'm glad to be living in a relatively peaceful world....
I'm still so on the fence...sending our youngest to a workshop in Washington DC this summer, and our oldest is starting college this fall (sob). But I would dearly love to see your workshop--not to mention both of you. :)
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