Today we have with us Samantha, Lady Everard, who recently inherited the Everard Legacy. Lady Everard lives in Dallsten Manor in the Evendale Valley of Cumberland in 1805. At sixteen, she seems a little young to be in charge of such wealth. What is it, lands in six counties, a fleet of sailing vessels, and a considerable fortune invested in the Exchange?
Samantha (as she insists we call her): However you count it, it’s impressive! But I don’t generally worry about it. I have my cousins to manage it.
Nineteenteen: Cousins you only recently knew you had, I understand.
Samantha: True. I’m still not sure why Papa thought he had to hide them from me, and me from them for that matter! It would have been a lot more pleasant growing up here in Cumberland if I had known I had other family somewhere.
Nineteenteen: Other family? Then you did have family with you at Dallsten Manor.

Samantha: I was counting my governess Miss Walcott. She’s like family to me. I barely remember my mother, and Papa couldn’t visit often enough for my liking.
Nineteenteen: So how is Miss Walcott getting on with your new cousins?
Samantha: Very well! Oh, she tries to pretend otherwise, but I can see the sparks flying between her and my cousin Jerome. With a little help from me, they might just fall in love. Then I’ll only need to settle Cousin Richard. I understand his first courtship ended badly, which is why he went to sea, but I think I know a way to tempt him to try again.
Nineteenteen: I see. And what about your cousin Vaughn? With him a poet and noted duelist, I believe a number of ladies in London sigh every time he walks by.
Samantha: Do they? Well! I have plans for Vaughn too, but I refuse to say more at this time.
Nineteenteen: You seem to have a lot of secrets in your family.
Samantha: Indeed we do! But you’ll have to read our stories to learn more.
If you’d like a chance to learn more about Lady Samantha Everard and her three handsome cousins, leave a comment on this post by midnight wherever you are on Monday, February 20. I’ll announce the winner of The Rogue’s Reform on Friday, February 24.
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I just found your blog and am enjoying it enormously! I was rereading some Georgette Heyer and wondered exactly what lustring looked like. A Startingpage search brought me to your 2009 post on lustring and other fabrics. You can be sure I've bookmarked your page, and look forward to new posts as well as digging into past ones.
Great interview with Lady Everard or shall I say Samantha.
I really enjoyed this book and cast. Eagerly await the next one in the series.
Welcome to our newest reader! You'll definitely find Heyer fans here!
And thank you, Grace! I'm very glad you enjoyed the book!
Wonderful interview with Samantha. This books sounds very exciting.
Dearest Samantha
Since I read Lady Regina's account of your first meeting with your cousins I have been aching to speak with you. You are a lot of fun to read about. Do you think you can help bring out a more fun loving side of your cousin Jerome? He's a bit serious don't you think? Richard seems rather mysterious and Vaughn ... well ... I think I could quite lose my heart to him! I hope your Season is a success and Vaughn doesn't do anything rash.
I have already read The Rouge's Reform, and I loved it! When will the next book in Everard Legacy series coming out?
Dearest QNPoohBear, thank you for your interest in talking to me. I love to meet new people! I think the word I'd use to describe Jerome is intent. When he wants something, he doesn't stop until he gets it. He thinks too much (wrinkles nose). Now Vaughn, on the other hand, acts immediately on his feelings. Sometimes I wonder whether he ought to do a little thinking first. :-)
Ter--Glad you enjoyed the book! Richard Everard's story will be out in July, and Vaughn's story will be out in November (if he'll just stop arguing with me and let me get the manuscript to my editor!). Got to love a character who takes on a life of his own!
I loved the Honorable Gentleman and look forward to reading this one too! Can't wait!
Samantha seems such a interesting person- I would love to get to know you better. How does High Tea sound to you?
Thank you, Wildflower and LilMissMolly!
Lady Everard says: I've never had high tea before, Ettie, but it sounds delicious! I'd be delighted to join you. Will you wait for me to journey to London for the Season? I should arrive in July (late, I know, but what can one do about publishing schedules!).
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