Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Once Upon a Time...

It's story time, dear readers! 😁

One day, about ten years ago, I plucked up my courage and hit the “post” button on my first blog post, announcing to the world that the immortal words of two debut YA authors explicating the finer points of 19th century cultural history as it related to young adults would henceforth appear in this place (or something like that.) And with that, NineteenTeen made its debut.

Ten years later—yeah, ten!—Regina and I are still at it, closing in on 1000 posts (this one will be # 972.) We’re still talking about the stray bits and piece of history we run across and how history can intersect with today, still talking about books, and still having a lot of fun.

There have been some unexpected develop-ments along the way. I started collecting early 19th century fashion prints mostly because I wanted to be able to show what young ladies were wearing in this era, and have ended up a 19th century fashion diva as a result with several albums of beautiful prints that give me a great deal of pleasure as well as knowledge (and they take up a lot less space than shoes!) I’ve met authors and read books that have become new favorites. I’ve been led down delightful paths of research on different topics, and hope that you have too.

But the best—the absolute best—part of blogging on NineteenTeen has been my partnership with Regina. We had just met back in 2007, nervous new acquaintances rooming together at the RWA national conference in Dallas that July. As I recall it (correct me if I’m wrong, Regina!) I suggested the idea of starting a blog together just as we were saying good-bye in the hotel’s lobby. And now, we’re here, still blogging...except now, I count Regina as one of my dearest, closest friends. So thank you, NineteenTeen readers, for reading our blog—and enabling a beautiful friendship along the way.

AND...since it’s a birthday party, there have to be presents—for you! Everyone who comments today will be entered to win one of two prizes—a $25 gift card to Amazon, and a print copy of any one of my book (winner's choice.) Comments close at 11:59 pm on Sunday 9/24/17, and will be announced in next Tuesday’s post.

That’ll be our 974th post, incidentally. Thank you for coming along for the previous 973. 


Regina Scott said...

Your memory is spot on. You were so hesitant--"Well, I have this idea." And I was all for it! Over the years when I've lost heart, you were there to pick me up. Here's to another ten years of blogging and friendship, my dear!

Author Gail Eastwood said...

Ladies, congratulations to both of you for ten amazing years of a very original and interesting blog, along with your beautiful friendship. I've had the privilege of knowing both of you for much longer than that, and am so proud of all you have accomplished! Sending my best wishes & hugs!(but don't enter me in the giveaway)

Joan said...

I cannot remember how I found your blog but I know I wanted to read it because of the background you were giving on the lifestyles of the Regency Era. I have enjoyed it ever since I started reading it. Thanks so much for enriching my reading. And I enjoy your books as well. Thank you and congratulations!

Marissa Doyle said...

Aw, thank you all. Today's a little hectic with Jose just coming close enough to Cape Cod to have sent my husband and me scurrying down there to batten down the hatches, but I appreciate everyone stopping by!

Gail, it's a little scary how long we've known each other. :) Joan, I;m so glad you've enjoyed reading us--we do try to walk the line between being informative and being entertaining. And Regina--what can I say, except I'm so glad I have you in my life. :)

Anonymous said...

This blog is a constant source of education and delight. Thank you for keeping it up for ten whole years! What an achievement! Congratulations, and here's to the next ten years!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations to you both! And cheers to another 10 (+) years!

Marissa Doyle said...

Thank you so much, ladies!

mamafrog said...

You cannot imagine how much I would love a look at those fashion books! I'm salivating thinking about them (wipes the keyboard here). I've been a fashion buff since...well...probably about 50 plus years. Since I was old enough to make doll clothes (by hand until my mom would let me use the sewing machine) and discover what fashion was, by my teens. The last ten years have led me onto the internet and into lovely blogs like yours for more of the history side of fashion. Congratulations on your ten years of blogging and here's to more!

QNPoohBear said...

Happy anniversary! This was one of the first blogs I found while looking for more info on Jane Austen's world. That was a rabbit hole I haven't come out of. I've learned so much from you and direct people here all the time. Plus I discovered to new authors to enjoy! I love seeing the fashion prints and the scans of the actual fabric. Working in a textile mill museum of that period gives me an excuse to look up muslin! (We have the machine that made the thread for muslin cloth).

Marissa Doyle said...

mamafrog, I love sharing my print collection--definitely look for continuing fashion posts coming up over the next few months, and thank you!!

QNPoohBear, since when do you need an excuse to look up muslin? :) I'm glad you're enjoying the fabric sample prints as much as I am writing them.

Anonymous said...

A very Happy Anniversary ladies. It certainly does not seem like 10 years. Congratulations to you both for continuing to write and publish for the great enjoyment of us, your readers. The blog is always full of interest about the Regency world and so much else that involves your writing. Fashion is definitely one of the rivetting topics occupying the entries. One of the most amusing facets of this is the obvious fact that the representation of women in fashion has not much changed over the years. We still see willowy, elongated ladies posing in odd, unlikely attitudes trying to tempt us into possibly uncomfortable clothes.
Looking forward to the continuing literary adventure for many more years.

LilMissMolly said...

Happy Birthday! I remember when Bewitching Season came out and had to patiently wait for Betraying Season. You just don't write fast enough! :) Love your books and blog. Book hugs!