That’s what I thought when
this charming Morning Walking Dress print
from the November 1811 edition of La Belle Assemblee arrived in my mailbox last week.
It’s an interesting design for a dress: the orange tunic trimmed with lace and
navy blue braided frogging—a dashingly military touch!—over a muslin
under-dress...the matching close-fitting hat with its bold, sweeping blue feather...the
strappy shoes peeping out at the bottom... wonderful!
But as I peered closely at it
to admire the details (regrettably, there are brown spots known as "foxing" around her face--after all, this is over two hundred years old), it slowly occurred to me to pay attention to what the
lady in the snazzy ensemble was actually doing: she’s holding a small golden box in her left
hand, while bringing the fingers of her right hand up to her nose...
Good heavens—I do believe the lady in this print is taking snuff!
Good heavens—I do believe the lady in this print is taking snuff!

On the other hand, here’s something to not sneeze at: for the next several days, you can get By Jove on sale for 99 cents! It’s available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Apple’s iBooks store,
as well as directly from the publisher, Book View Cafe.
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