"If once to Almack’s you belong,
Like Monarchs you can do no wrong;
But banished thence on Wednesday night,
By Jove, you can do nothing right."
Like Monarchs you can do no wrong;
But banished thence on Wednesday night,
By Jove, you can do nothing right."
On the other hand, it served "wretched refreshments", had a "bad floor", and was viewed as shockingly dull by most young men.
So just what was Almack’s, that place that has appeared in almost every Regency-set novel since Georgette Heyer?
Originally, it was an assembly room (remember that we discussed those last week?) built on King Street (behind St. James’s Square) in 1764 by a Yorkshireman of Scottish ancestry named William Almack who began life as a gentleman's valet but soon moved up in the world. Mr. Almack opened his assembly rooms in 1765, charging 10 guineas for a series of twelve weekly balls and suppers over the course of the season. Anxious to make his assemblies appear exclusive and select, Almack enlisted the aid of a group of blue-blooded society ladies to help decide who merited admission and who did not, and thus was the famous voucher system born. If the lady patronesses did not approve of you, no matter how large your estate or noble your birth, you didn’t get in to Almack’s.

Within the hallowed halls, the rules were just as rigid. There was a strict dress code for men, and even those who had proper tickets might be turned away if not properly attired (even, it was rumored, the Duke of Wellington on one occasion!) Until around 1814, dances like the quadrille and the waltz were not permitted. Even after they were, young ladies had to demonstrate that they were of modest demeanor and attitude before they could get the permission of one of the lady patronesses to engage in waltzing (which was still considered a rather improper dance). And no one was permitted to enter the rooms after 11 pm, even those with tickets. Liquid refreshment was limited to lemonade, tea, orgeat (a non-alcoholic drink flavored with almonds and orange-flower water) and ratafia (a light liqueur, also fruit and nut based); bread and butter and cake were the only munchies served.
So with all these rules and the less-than-exciting atmosphere, why was it so sought-after?
Because admission to Almack’s meant that you counted. It meant that you were the crème de la crème of English society…one of the 19th century version of the beautiful people. If you were on the prowl for a "good" marriage, it was the prime hunting ground. It meant that, as Henry Luttrell said, "you can do no wrong."
How interesting! I'm glad we don't have to beg to go to dinners and parties today!
Great post! Thanks for explaining the particulars of Almack's. I'd like to go just once to see what the fuss was about but I'd still rather stay home and read. I'm a hopeless bluestocking I guess.
Yay for bluestockings! Glad you all found it interesting. :)
While doing research/creative procrastination for my book I happened upon your site. I find it so informative, useful and entertaining. Thanks for making the Regency Era come to life with fun facts and intersting tidbits of information that you wouldn't find in a typically dry history lesson.
oops..it's spelled "interesting" in the previous comment I made...should spell check first!
Welcome, Romi! Glad you found us!
Those pictures are halarious. And I've always been amazed at the power of Almacks. Just one place; no competition and coveted.
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