Jane Austen must have enjoyed a good laugh. How else could she have created Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Marianne from Sense and Sensibility, and today's topic, Northanger Abbey?
Much of the divine Jane's early work was outright comedic, written to amuse her family; she especially seemed to have enjoyed parody, gently making fun of existing works and genres (her A History of England, a parody of Oliver Goldsmith's book of the same name and dedicated to her sister Cassandra, is pure silliness.) We've discussed the Gothic novel craze as a brief thing of the past, a temporary blip on the history of the English novel...but Jane experienced it in real time. And just as there are people who find today's vampire craze amusing, it's pretty clear that Jane got a chuckle from Gothic novels.

Jane is poking fun here at the convention in Gothic novels that the heroine be perfect and either orphaned or subject to the whims of a parent who has suffered a clouded past which will of course rebound upon his or her hapless child. The book continues in this vein with frequent authorial intrusions to point out how boring and normal Catherine and her life are...much to Catherine's dismay, for she is a devotee of books "provided they were all story and no reflection." Poor Catherine, with a head full of stories and a life full of commonplaces, for "There was not one lord in their neighbourhood; not even a baronet. There was not one family among their acquaintances who had reared and supported a boy accidentally found at their door; not one young man whose origin was unknown....But when a young lady is to be a heroine, the perverseness of forty surrounding families cannot prevent her. Something must and will happen to throw a hero in her way."

Northanger Abbey is probably the most light-hearted of Jane's books, with even its central love story being something of a joke (Henry Tilney takes no real notice of Catherine until he realizes she admires him enormously: "in finding him irresistable, becoming so herself." Read it, and laugh along with its author across the centuries.
I love Northanger Abbey. I think I need to read it again for it's been a few years...and it was quite funny!
We read Northanger Abbey last October as the book of the month to go with a gothic theme and it was so much fun! Disected each chapter and shared our thoughts, etc. Great fun!
This is probably blasphemy against P&P, but when I did my epic read-everything-Austen-wrote in high school, Northanger Abbey came out my favorite. It's so delightfully self-aware.
I would have to say that Northanger Abbey is one of my favorite Jane Austen Books. Though Lady Susan is up there too as well as Emma. Okay, I really like them all.
I never thought of Northanger Abbey as a Gothic novel to read around Halloween.
When I was younger I enjoyed a good ghost story but I think gothic novels are best appreciated by young ladies like Catherine. Like Jane Austen, now I find that sort of thing amusing.
Thanks for another great post.
I finally read Betraying Season and I made a special blog entry about it on my blog if anyone is interested in my thoughts.
Well, it's a sort of anti-Gothic novel, Joanna. Skimming through it again, I'd forgotten just how funny it was and how she enjoyed layering in the atmospheric spookiness when Catherine was examining her room and happened upon the scroll...and then having the mysterious document be a laundry list and a farrier's bill--priceless!
Thank you so much Janeen!!
I haven't gotten to Northanger Abbey yet. (But I have seen the Masterpiece Theatre film :) )
This is a really enjoyable post.
I've never read this. I've got to get myself a copy and take advantage of the extra hour this weekend to dive in. :)
I picked up Mysteries of Udolpho at my university library. It's HUGE but has a nice engraving and some poetry interspersed throughout. I don't think I can make it all the way through before Halloween ends but I'm going to take a stab at starting it.
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