London was agog at this project and flocked to visit the Burlington Arcade, established “for the gratification of the public and to give employment to industrious females” (though only six of the original tenants were “industrious females”, male milliners and corset-makers who rented shops here were addressed as “Madame”!) The shops were all luxurious ones, featuring the most fashionable, up to date, and expensive merchandise, and any business whose trade could be described as noisy, noxious, or otherwise offensive was not allowed. King George VI’s official gold lace makers had his shop here.
Rules were put in place to keep the Arcade exclusive. Lord George recruited soldiers from his family’s regiment, the 10th Hussars, to serve as guards and enforcers of etiquette. These “Beadles” wore special uniforms and were on hand to ensure the rules of no whistling, singing, playing of musical instruments (to keep out itinerant street musicians), running, carrying large parcels, opening umbrellas, and baby prams. And though their uniform has changed over the years, they’re still there…because yes, the Burlington Arcade is still in existence! Though some of the shops have been combined so that there are now about forty, it’s still open and featuring shops selling luxury goods and now antiques…perhaps some of the items that were once sold there as new!
That Arcade is impressive. The rules are funny. We have security in our mall but somehow I don't think they're there to prevent people from singing. The first ever Aracde in the U.S. is right here and in need of preserving. It's a beautiful building though not as impressive as it's English cousin. It does have a beautiful glass ceiling.
Which town is it in, QNPoohBear? Any links to pictures?
It's right in downtown Providence in the financial and commercial district. It's closed now but you can read about the Arcade and see some pictures:
1850 picture
Lots of pics on Flickr
It's sad to see sitting empty. I'm glad the original English model is still in business. I hope ours will be again soon.
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