It appears the library is the most popular among our guests, and why not! We share the love of reading, after all. Rachel even suggested we bring back the Young Bluestocking’s Book Club--excellent thought! And speaking of books, we're delighted to hand out our first prize to QNPoohBear: Jane Austen’s Guide to Dating. QNPoohBear, please contact Marissa via her website and let her know where you’d like it sent.
I do believe we should learn a lesson from QNPoohBear. Please comment. We’d love to hear how you like the house party, what you’d like to do, and how we could make Nineteen Teen even better in the coming year. If you have a suggestion for a book we could read for the Book Club, please toss that in as well. There will be more prizes Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, so come back often and invite your friends along!
In the meantime, I felt it my duty as one of your hostesses to entice you out of the library. We have a number of other guests who are eager to make your acquaintance. I found this charming fellow looking positively lonely in the withdrawing room.

And this gentleman is hoping to find a lady interested in going for a ride in his phaeton. Do take a tiger along, though, to protect your reputation. I fear the gentleman is rather daring.

And this gentleman is keen to study the native flora and fauna in our park. I’m sure he’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter as you stroll through the countryside.

So, are you willing to give up the library?
Amended September 15 by Regina
My dears, during the night my dear friend Leopold arrived to join our house party. I'm taking him to the conservatory to introduce him to El to liven up her dreary day. Join us if you'd like!

This is a great blog and it deserves as many visitors as possible. :-)
Thank you, Clarissa! So happy to have you with us! There's a set forming for dancing later. Would you care to join us?
I agree with Clarissa. And I certainly wouldn't mind a ride with the second gentlemen! Very handsome :) well, actually they all are. I am certainly enjoying this house party! Ha ha! XD
Janine Mimi
Thanks, Janine! So glad you're enjoying yourself! I'll put you down for the dancing later too and put a word in the ear of that handsome gentleman to be your partner. :-)
I'm heading to the withdrawing room before anyone else gets there first :-) ...I love your blog, and don't comment as often as I should! There is so much useful information here! As for suggestions for the coming year.... would it be possible to highlight social activities on the continent? I know London was one of the key centers of society in the nineteenth century, but did British girls ever go over to Paris for a season? I often read about boys making a tour of the continent before they have to settle down, but I don't know much about what they did over there!
It'd be hard to leave the library but I wouldn't mind a ride with second gentleman or strolling through the park with the third lol.
Welcome, Lo and Gio! Lo, great idea on the Continent. I have a huge (as in coffee table sized, as in it's the size of the coffee table!) book on the Grand Tour. I can see what I learn. Back to the library! :-)
Gio, enjoy your walk. It's a lovely day!
you'll definately find me in the withdrawing room!! i hope you are willing to share Lo!! :)
Since it's a rather dreary day, I think I'll head to the conservatory to wander about.
Hm, Shay, the withdrawing room seems to be getting a bit crowded. :-)
El, I'll join you in the conservatory. Perhaps we can have a nice chat as we stroll along. I hope you don't mind, but I'm bringing an old friend of mine along with me. He just arrived from London. See the original post for a pic.
I would be most delighted to meet and entertain your friend Leopold as we stroll through the conservatory! Delicious!
Thanks for choosing me as a winner. I have replied by e-mail.
As much as I'd like to share my opinions I'm afraid Flora and Fauna are not my areas of expertise but I would be happy to discuss the latest Gilbert & Sullivan production with the charming Leopold!
The Young Bluestockings should definitely read The Agency series by Y.S. Lee. Book One is called A Spy in the House. There's a kick butt heroine, mystery, danger and a handsome young man. Book 3 of the trilogy is due this spring. I also highly recommend Prisoners in the Palace : how Victoria became queen with the help of her maid, a reporter, and a scoundrel : a novel of intrigue and romance by Michaela MacColl.
OK back to studying...
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