Now, our ball! Of course, one cannot spontaneously host a ball. We actually sent invitations to all our genteel neighbors in the area weeks ago, letting them know you’d be here with us and encouraging them to join us this evening. We hired musicians to play and brought in additional staff from the village to help with the cooking and cleaning and see to the needs of our guests. As I write, a footman is lowering the chandeliers in the ballroom to put in fresh candles, and our houskeeper is inspecting the dance floor to make sure it’s gleaming in expectation.

The gentlemen have already retired to their rooms to change into their evening clothes and freshen up. Perhaps you’d like to glance over the positions of dance so you’re ready for your partner.

And I can’t wait to see what you brought to wear to the ball! I’ve had a lovely gown made up in red, a bit daring, I know, but the off-white of so many of the gowns just doesn’t do my complexion any favors.

Ah, do you hear the musicians tuning up? Already the air is scented with perfume. Marissa and I welcome you to the ballroom and suggest a partner. We’re pairing up (I will of course partner Leopold on this first dance, but I’m sure he’d be happy to offer you his hand later). Goodness, but the set is crowded! Everyone looks so lovely! I can see you smiling from here. And away we go!

Do tell me your favorite dance so I can be sure to have the musicians play it. And please catch me between sets to suggest other ways we can make Nineteenteen the best it can be.
I actually got to learn Regency dancing a few years ago when I was in our school's production of Pride and Prejudice. It was fun but a but cramped so I kept messing up. As for me, I prefer the waltz (considered quite scandalous to some but not nearly as notorious as the Columbian Tango, my other favorite ;]). There's something romantic and elegant about it. Unless you step on your dance partner's shoes which is rather embarrassing. Anyway, great post :)
Janine Mimi
This week on the blog has been so fun! I don't know much about Regency dances, but I'm learning here :-)
Another suggestion for the blog!! I really like it when you highlight YA literature that is set during the nineteenth century. For example, I discovered Mandy Hubbard's PRADA AND PREJUDICE when you had the interview with the Duke of Harksbury in June 2009. I know the main point of the blog is to highlight the actual life of teens during the nineteenth century, but I totally trust your judgement on book recommendations, and would love to know what else is out there for readers (besides your awesome books, of course :-) ) in a market that seems to be dominated by other genres lately.
Janine, Leopold is fascinated by the Columbian Tango and hopes you'll demonstrate. Marissa is already calling the chaperone over.
Lo, perfect timing! Make sure you check out Marissa's post tomorrow, when she'll be mentioning a new series we'll be featuring next week.
It's Rose again. Google won't allow me to sign in, so I'm using AIM.
I love the party theme, and I'm glad to see it continue. This blog really inspires me to try my hand at historical fiction this NaNoWriMo.
In general, I'd love to see more about the literature of the period. Besides the fab Miss Austin, I don't know much about Regency literature that was actually written during the Regency era.
I'd like to waltz,scandalous or not.
As a previous commenter said, it's always interesting to hear about the literature of the period. I'd also like to learn more about the people of the time, perhaps some of the less well known characters and the social customs are always fascinating.
You may want to check out:
for some well-researched dance info.
Hmmm....I would love to dance the The Ship's Cook. It looks quite fun in the latest adaptation of Emma on BBC.
Your choice of the red dress is excellent. It is a gorgeous color. I think I'd pick a dress in a lovely blue.
Thanks for the wonderful post!
Undignified, I know, but I'm excited to have won the prize! Thank you so much! Now, I must angle for a waltz with Leopold.
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