Speaking with us today is Lady Cynthia Stanton, the daughter of a duke and a student at Lackland Abbey. Lady Cynthia, let us assure you first that the headmistress of your school does NOT read our blog, so anything you say here is confidential. We'd all love to hear more about you. You're considered one of the more elite students at the school, is that right?
Lady Cynthia: Indeed. As the daughter of a duke, I am the highest ranking girl at Lackland Abbey.
Nineteenteen: How did you come to join the school?
LC: Students at Lackland Abbey do not discuss such things. It is perhaps a fair statement that no one is exiled to the school without some dreadful incident that exposed their despicable magical abilities to public shame.
NTT: Is that what happened to you?
LC: You bloggish creatures have no manners! Suffice it to say that an attractive stable boy and an unexpected use of my weather controlling magic were involved. I shall say no more.
NTT: Do you truly want to be "cured?”
LC: That is a most…interesting question. All students arrive at Lackland wishing for nothing more that a quick cure and a return to their families to see if they can regain any if their former lives. But to be cured of magic takes time.
During that time, one might discover that the use of magic can be very…rewarding. Exhilarating. ‘Tis said that some students gather in the chalk tunnels below the abbey to practice magic. Embracing one’s power can lead to the recognition that perhaps the aristocracy’s hatred of magic is not necessarily a good thing.”
NTT: So you’ve decided to secretly practice your magical abilities?
LC: I did not say that! If you dare print such a thing in your peculiar little newssheet, you will be hearing from my solicitors!
NTT: Our apologies, Lady Cynthia. We understand you've had some trouble with the other young lady sharing your room.
LC: I was not best pleased when the school forced Lady Victoria Mansfield on me merely because I was the only girl who didn’t have a roommate. As the highest ranking girl in the school, I was entitled to have a room to myself!
Tory had the effrontery to remove my garments from the second wardrobe so she could use it herself! She could have managed perfectly well storing her garments in her trunk. And she has no sense of the dignity of her rank. She’ll talk to anyone as if they are her equals. Such behavior is contrary to good order.
NTT: And she had the audacity to steal your beau as well, isn't that right?
LC: I simply couldn’t believe it. Clearly the Marquess of Allarde and I were destined to be together. Not only is he heir to a dukedom, but he is tall, dark, and handsome, a perfect foil for me since I am tall and blonde and stunningly beautiful.
Allarde has a great deal of natural reserve and he was keeping a discreet distance from me, but I always assumed that when we left Lackland Abbey, he’d ask for my hand. Then Tory came along. She’s a little bit of a thing, dark and with slanted eyes and no more than passably pretty, but he took one look and was besotted. Granted, everyone likes Tory. Even I like her some of the time. I swore I’d never forgive her for interfering with destiny, though that was before Jack…
No. I shall say no more.
NTT: We can't help thinking, though, that your life has been more interesting since she came along.
LC: You say that as though an interesting life is a good thing!
NTT: Isn't it? You had quite an adventure a bit ago, something to do with World War II. How did you manage to travel from 19th century England to that time?
LC: We passed through a time portal below Lackland Abbey. It’s called Merlin’s Mirror and it’s very ancient. Tory guided us through. Her magical talents tend to be odd ones, like using the mirror. Not useful like my weather magery and illusion talents.
NTT: Do you have other plans to travel through time?
LC: No! Never! It’s the most horrible experience! I would have died when we returned if Elspeth wasn’t such a good healer.
We all hated traveling through the mirror. Yet—I suppose one should never say never….

Have read this blog from start to finish---even left a few comments on some older posts.
Fascinating! Well done! (I am also a history geek, altho' Victoriana is more my cuppa than Regency.) I have this bookmarked for future peeks.
Thanks for an informative and entertaining couple of days!
I'm so excited to have found this series (thanks to this blog)! Time travel/special schools/cute Marquess are right up my alley :-)
Glad you found us, Sweet Violet!
Lo, we'll be having another guest author with us in October...so look forward to more reading! :)
Lady cynthia told me to thank the Nineteenteen authors for their gracious invitation. She much enjoys having an amanuensis. *g*
Speaking at the amanuensis, it's such fun to visit a historical YA blog. We history geeks need to stick together!
Sounds like a very interesting series, I'll check it out!
"You bloggish creatures have no manners! Suffice it to say that an attractive stable boy and an unexpected use of my weather controlling magic were involved. I shall say no more."
Lady Cynthia, for shame!
Delightful interview, wonderful blog! I look forward to reading about Lady Cynthia's adventures.
Thank you, Lena! Great to see you here--thanks for stopping by!
And Mary Jo, we are delighted that you are able to join us this week--history geeks unite!
tres bon livre Special Guest Blogger: Lady Cynthia Stanton and her Amanuensis, M.J. Putney merci, de Montreal
It's clever how you did it from Cynthia's point of view, since she gets so much development in the new book (which I got as soon as it came out). I love this combination of time travel, historical, romance, and magic, since I love all four. I can't wait for the next book in spring!
The very expression, DARK MIRROR, is so evocative. Thank you for the post.
What an entertaining post. I'd love to win a copy. :)
Hermione of Vulcan--
I'm so glad you've enjoyed these books! The third, DARK DESTINY, will be summer, not spring, so a little longer wait. Sorry! It sounds as if you and I have similar tastes. *g*
Word Wrestler--Lady Cynthia is NEVER ashamed. Her motto is "Never apologize." *g*
Lady Cynthia makes a respectful curtsy to romantic in beautiful Montreal.
This series sounds wonderful! I'm going to have to go to the book store now. I think I'll leave in 5 minutes? ;)
I've been looking for something like this to read for a while. So happy I stumbled upon this blog. Look forward to more posts!
Loving the blog as usual, great start to the year :)
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