What is it about June and weddings? Once held to be the
luckiest month in which to marry, it’s still one of the most popular times here
in the U.S., with the best venues, caterers, and photographers booked more than
a year in advance. And of course
weddings are so romantic, the joy of a couple pledging their lives to each
other. Sigh.
I’ve written about more than one wedding in my twenty-seven
published stories set in early nineteenth century England, from grander affairs
in a church to eloping to Gretna Green and being married by a so-called “anvil priest,”
otherwise known as a blacksmith. The service in the Book of Common Prayer, the manual for the Church of England,
is relatively easy to find online for the time period. Very helpful authors and
researchers can provide detail on the wedding breakfast or the wedding gown, as
in the lovely post this week by author Katherine Givens.
But now I’m writing about a wedding ceremony in pioneer
Seattle, 1866 to be exact. And the
details are sketchy to say the least.
Certainly the East Coast magazines were full of advice to
new brides. I can find pictures from
Godey’s Lady’s Book and Magazine that look not too different from what we’d
expect--yards of white satin with lace trimmings, embroidered bodices, long
sheer lace veils that flow from the head to past the hips, orange blossoms in
the hair. Godey’s even advises what to
include in the trousseau: six trimmed
cambric petticoats, four morning wrappers (two cambric, two of wool in a
neutral color), plain handkerchiefs embroidered with your initials, a
neutral-colored traveling dress finished with heavy silk cord with matching
cloak and bonnet, and three silk dresses for morning calls. I can hear my brave
pioneer ladies laughing now.

The Pioneer weddings sound more like the ones I find in Alaska history. Not as elaborate as the other ones you describe, but just as meaningful to the brides! :-)
I bet Alaskan pioneer weddings were very similar to the ones in early Seattle, Lynn. And yes, her wedding day is usually a special day for a lady, no matter how fancy the day or the lady!
Church weddings appear not to have been the norm - nor were big weddings. You have your family and a few friends and neighbors at home, possibly outside (to allow for dancing room), and that's it. At least that's what I've gathered from both my archives work and reading a heck of a lot of late-1800s juvenile and women's literature (written then, not modern books set then).
Thanks, DangAndBlast! I'm finding the same sorts of things. Appreciate you commenting!
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