In my new release By Jove, Theo Fairchild is thrilled to find herself working toward her doctorate in the very prestigious Classics Department at John Winthrop University in Boston. The faculty are at the top of their field, the best of the best...for a very good reason!
I’ve put together a little quiz I’m calling Name That Prof; let’s see if you can figure out just why the faculty members that Theo meets in By Jove seem strangely familiar...
1. Professor Arthur Waterman, Theo’s advisor, swims laps every morning in the university’s pool, keeps tanks of pet tropical fish, and wears a large diver’s watch. He just might bear a passing resemblance to:
A. Jacques Cousteau
B. Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea
C. Michael Phelps’s older brother
2. Professor Henry Forge-Smythe, who teaches Theo’s class in Pre-Roman History, walks with crutches, has a very beautiful wife, and when not teaching indulges in a metalworking hobby. He kind of calls to mind:
A. Long John Silver
B. Hephaestus, the Greek god of blacksmiths
C. Tiny Tim Cratchit, thirty years later
3. Department secretary June Cadwallader is fond of peacock blue, dislikes female students, and does her best to rule the Classics Department (and its chairman) with a rod of iron. She is somewhat similar to:
A. Ivana Trump
B. Hera, queen of the Greek pantheon
C.Cersei Lannister
4. Renee Frothington-Forge-Smythe, wife of Professor Henry Forge-Smythe, loves shopping, reading romance novels, and the color pink. She reminds you a bit of:
A. Barbara Cartland
B. Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love
C. Kim Kardashian
4. Professor Di Hunter teaches Greek, coaches the women’s field hockey team, and is quite disgusted when she happens upon Theo and Grant sharing their first kiss. She might make you think of:
A. Katniss Everdeen
B. Artemis, the Greek goddess of the chase
C. Queen Elizabeth I
5. Professor Paul Harriman also teaches Greek, plays several instruments, and has cut quite a swathe through the hearts of the female students at John Winthrop. He is somewhat reminiscent of:
A. Justin Bieber
B. Apollo, the Greek god of music and poetry
C. Brad Pitt in a gladiator costume
6. Professor Bellow, who directs the Classics Department’s museum, has a habitually somber expression, a dog named Kirby, and prefers to lurk in his office in the basement of Hamilton Hall. He rather resembles:
A. Riff Raff (okay, so how many of you know who he is? ☻)
B. Hades, god of the underworld
C. Your creepy Uncle Hubert
So...are you sensing a pattern here?

And I’m still on tour (blog, that is) so do stop in and say hello!
A brief note about our upcoming schedule: Regina will be taking next week off, then alternating weeks for posts over the next two months so that we can enjoy summer fun with our families. Have a good Independence Day vacation!!
A brief note about our upcoming schedule: Regina will be taking next week off, then alternating weeks for posts over the next two months so that we can enjoy summer fun with our families. Have a good Independence Day vacation!!
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