Pocket watches began to come
into their own in the second half of the eighteenth century, thanks to
improvements in technology and metals science. A pocket watch usually is
attached to one’s person somehow; the last thing you want is your expensive and
delicate timepiece falling out of your pocket every time you chance to bend
over. A length of ribbon or cord sufficed, but a chain or strip of chain mesh was
both sturdier and offered more scope to show off with.

the course of the 19th century, a watch chain with fobs became a
peculiarly masculine fashion (and chains themselves known by other names: an albert was a chain worn horizontally
across the waistcoat from pocket to pocket, while a leontine was a short chain most often worn on dress occasions.) In fact, it became so fashionable that wearing a huge collection of fobs on one's watch chain probably meant that you were a dandy.
They could be senti-mental—a tiny
miniature of a loved one or a snip of hair in a locket. They could be practical—a
minute pencil or button hook for fastening one’s gloves, a tiny case for vestas
(matches) or a wee vinaigrette like those shown in these photos of fobs from my collection.

The introduction of the
wristwatch during World War I spelled the death of the pocket watch...and the
delicious, tiny fobs often found their way onto women’s jewelry as necklaces
or...as charm bracelets.
Though I love to wear
bracelets and adore the concept of charm bracelets, I find them too clunky and
distracting to wear. But a watch chain with fobs...that is a practice I could
totally embrace.
How about you? Could you see
yourself with a collection of these tiny, jingly treasures hanging from your
watch chain? ☺
Beautiful fobs. I like charms bracelets for the clunkiness!
But they do get in the way when trying to type, alas. :(
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