Whether you’re watching Downton Abbey, reading a novel set
in nineteenth century England, or keeping up with the Royals today, sooner or
later, you’ll run into a dowager. Often
times, literature and productions show them as silver-haired ladies with a will
of iron. But that wasn’t always the

So, what exactly is a dowager? The term originally applied to a widow who
could apply for dower, or a certain portion of her husband’s estate that would
be hers to use while she lived. So some
estates had a dower cottage, a house where the dowager might live after the new
title holder moved into the larger house.
Although dower was still legally supported in nineteenth century
England, more often families arranged matters of what the wife would inherit before
the wedding in marriage contracts. The
term dowager, then, was generally used to distinguish between two ladies whose
husbands had held the same title.
For example, if Lord Whistlewait marries Amelia Peascoat,
she becomes Lady Whistlewait. Let’s say
they have a charming son named Horace.
When Lord Whistlewait dies, Horace inherits his father’s title and
proposes to his one true love, Constantinople Trubadore. Dear Connie now becomes Lady Whistlewait, and
Horace’s mother becomes the Dowager Lady Whistlewait.
Now, there is some question as to whether the term was ever
used to the lady’s face. Then as now,
most women who became dowagers were of a certain level of maturity to which I
am currently aspiring. As you can
imagine, not all ladies of such maturity took well to being called a dowager,
even behind their backs. Certainly, if
only one of the Ladies Whistlewait was present, there would be no need to
mention the term dowager. Even if the
two were together at an event, conversation might easily be arranged to avoid
the potentially offensive term.
Could anyone offer a restorative cup of tea while I ponder
becoming the Dowager Mrs. Scott?