I originally published this post in October 2009, but a
couple of interesting tidbits came my way this week, which warranted an update.

Founded in 1766 by Richard Tattersall, formerly a groom of
the Duke of Kingston, and operated in the nineteenth century by his son,
apparently also Richard, Tattersall’s was the place you went to purchase a
saddle horse, carriage horse, hunters (horses you rode while hunting), and
racehorses. They also auctioned carriages and coach-harness and hounds. It was
located on the south side of Hyde Park Corner until 1865, when it relocated to
even bigger digs near Knightsbridge Green. It is still in business in
Newmarket. While many a Regency romance has called it Tattersall’s, the group
itself has stopped using the possessive. https://www.tattersalls.com/

But the idea wasn’t just to buy a horse back then. A young
gentleman might go to Tattersall’s even when it wasn’t a sale day on Monday or
Thursday, just to be seen around “sporting” types. Tattersall’s was the home of
the Jockey Club, the body that makes the rules for England’s races, so you were
sure to run into people famous in the racing world. Then too, for about a pound
a year, you could buy a subscription to a private room at Tattersall’s, where
you could settle your bets. You see, true gentlemen didn’t carry sums of cash
to the track. They met at Tattersall’s a few days later and settled their
debts. So you could look like you were wealthy and privileged just by hanging
Approximately 100 horses a week passed “under the hammer” of
the auctioneer. Saddle horses cost 40 to 200 pounds, a pair of coach horses
from 150 to 420 pounds, outstanding hunters around 350 pounds, and racehorses
1,500 pounds.
Think you’d like to purchase one? Think again. Women were
not welcome at Tatt’s. You’d have to send a male agent if you wanted to
purchase one of the prime bits of blood there. Or even a horse.
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